
A webpack plugin to check all duplicated dependencies in your bundle

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A webpack plugin to find all duplicated dependencies in your bundle



For yarn users

yarn add duplicate-dependencies-webpack-plugin --dev

For npm users

npm i duplicate-dependencies-webpack-plugin -D

Basic Usage


const { DuplicateReporterPlugin } = require( 'duplicate-dependencies-webpack-plugin' )

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    new DuplicateReporterPlugin()

Advanced Usage

This plugin is designed to be more flexible

So you may want to use it together with a reporter plugin

Internally this plugin expose a hook called result


const DuplicatePlugin = require( 'duplicate-dependencies-webpack-plugin' )

const ID = 'duplicates-reporter'
class DuplicatesReporterPlugin {
  apply( compiler ) {
    compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( ID, compilation => {
      DuplicatePlugin.getHooks( compilation ).result
        .tap( ID, duplicates => {
          // here you get the `duplicates` data
          // do whatever you want with this
          useCustomPrettyReporter( duplicates )
        } )
    } )

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    new DuplicatePlugin(),
    new DuplicatesReporterPlugin()

duplicates looks like:

  'package_name': [
      name: 'package_name',
      version: '4.2.2',
      root: 'absolute_path_to_package_root',
      issuer: 'absolute_path_to_issuer', // the file issue the request
      files: [Array], // files in this package which are included in your bundle
      bytes: 4000 // bytes contributed by this packages
    // ...more versions
