
A PHP flat file photo gallery cms

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple flat file photo gallery.

Just stick your photos inside the media directory, and you've got a fully functioning photo gallery!

The styles and layouts are intentionally minimalist, not just cause I like it that way, but to allow for better extensibility!

Set Up

  • Easy setup! Upload this repository onto a server running PHP.
  • To change the password to admin, simply go into auth/ and change the md5 hash to your desired password (e.g. "hello" is 907e131eb3bf6f21292fa1ed16e8b60c MD5).
  • Inside the media directory, place category directories, and inside those, place the albums.
  • The thumbnails can be automatically generated in the admin page. and Zip files will be added once someone downloads an album.

Here's what the file structure of media might look like:

    ├── media
    │   ├── 2014_Travels.zip
    │   └── Film Category
    │       ├── 2014_Travels
    │       │   ├── image1.jpg
    │       │   ├── image2.jpg
    │       │   ├── image3.jpg
    │       │   ├── image4.jpg
    │       │   └── thumbnails
    │       │       ├── thmb-image1.jpg
    │       │       ├── thmb-image2.jpg
    │       │       ├── thmb-image3.jpg
    │       │       └── thmb-image4.jpg
    │       ├── 2015_Travels
    │       │   ├── 76140002.jpg
    │       │   ├── 76140003.jpg
    │       │   └── thumbnails
    │       │       ├── thmb-76140002.jpg
    │       │       └── thmb-76140003.jpg

Titles and Sorting

The categories and galleries are directories, with _ and - replaced by spaces. The image titles are the filenames likewise stripped of _ and -. Galleries are indexed in reverse alphabetical/numerical order, so if album title is the date, the most recent will be on top.


Uploading through php can be a bit slow (this can be changed by configuring the server php init file). Using a FTP client might be much faster.

I recommend bimp for using gimp to compress images in batches. Upload a directory of photographs into the media folder, and it will appear on the index of galleries.

Supported Extensions

This PHP glob only reads file extensions in lower case, included is a bash script which automatically changes file extensions to lower case. cd into the directory with such extensions, and run, sh lower_case.sh:

for file in *.JPG; do
    mv "$file" "`basename $file .JPG`.jpg"


  • Better Errors reports
    • login/password
    • uploads
      • size
      • ext
    • delete & create
  • htaccess


  • PHP (I use 7, but whatever should work)
  • PHP gd and zip modules
  • Bootstrap (CDN)


Fenimore Love 2015 - 2016

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses.