
A bunch of util classes that I use in almost every project I write.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

AndroidUtils is a collection of util classes that I use in almost every project - I might as well give them their own module. This is more for personal use (I don't expect most people to use this as a dependency in their own projects, other than stealing a snippet or two), but feel free to add your own contributions as you wish.



This project is published on JitPack, which you can add to your project by copying the following to your root build.gradle at the end of "repositories".

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

To add the dependency, copy this line into your app module's build.gradle file.

implementation 'me.jfenn:AndroidUtils:0.0.5'



Various extension functions/delegates to safely reference view ids in activities, fragments, and other Android components.

val button: MaterialButton? = findView(R.id.button)
val recyclerView: RecyclerView? by bind(R.id.recycler)

Also: View.setBackgroundTint(color) will wrap & tint a view's background drawable.


A bunch of generic-typed preference utility functions.

// editing a SharedPreferences object (automatically runs .apply())
sharedPrefs.edit {
    putInt("themeKey", THEME_DARK)

// setter/getter operator functions
val theme: Int = sharedPrefs["themeKey"]
sharedPrefs["themeKey"] = THEME_LIGHT

Property delegates can be used to greatly simplify SharedPreferences operations.

// binding a single property
val theme by sharedPrefs.get<Int>("themeKey", defaultValue = THEME_LIGHT)

// uses the delegated property name ("themeKey") if a key is not provided
val themeKey by sharedPrefs.get<Int>(defaultValue = THEME_LIGHT)

TypedPreference objects can be used to create a set of typed "pointers" to reference throughout your project, instead of relying on a hardcoded preference key/string.

// constructs a TypedPreference<Int> with the key "PREF_THEME"
val PREF_THEME by pref<Int>(defaultValue = THEME_LIGHT)

// in another file...
var theme by sharedPrefs.get(PREF_THEME)

// alternatively, in an activity/fragment/etc (if using PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences)
var theme by prefs(PREF_THEME)


Contains two Context extension functions: getStatusBarHeight() and getNavigationBarHeight(), that both work accordingly.

Also includes some unit conversion functions that use Resources.getSystem() to find the display density:

  • dpToPx(Float) : Int
  • spToPx(Float) : Int
  • pxToDp(Int) : Float
  • pxToSp(Int) : Float