WebDev is a project wich my classmates discover on practice how to program, discover new features, and think on their problems and solve on their own.
on this weeks you will on main stage how to think and find things by yourself and basics of programming and multitier architecture.
- Your own portfolio
- to do list
- Pig game
- Pokemon App
- Portfolio 2.0
- Sell system
- Your final project
OBS: all sections in this course is based on final projects.
- Front-end
- html
- structure
- elements
- atributes
- semantic
- images
- links
- lists
- tables
- forms
- audio / video
- css
- css concepts
- css box model
- css properties
- css psudo class
- bootstrap
- js
- variables
- operators
- if .. else if .. else
- swtch
- while
- for / for of..in..each
- functions
- Objects
- arrays
- get data from apis
- html
- backend
- php
- config server
- variables
- operators
- aritmétics
- atribuição
- relacionais
- if .. else if .. else
- switch
- while
- do ... while
- for
- string functions
- arrays
- mysql
- create, use database
- insert
- select
- update
- delete
- join
- php + mysql
- connection
- create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- json structure
- api-rest
- php
- git and github
- git clone
- commit
- send files to cloud
- pull request
- merge
- markdown