
Eloquent model-caching made easy.

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Model Caching for Laravel

Travis SensioLabs Insight Scrutinizer Coveralls GitHub (pre-)release Packagist GitHub license


I created this package in response to a client project that had complex, nested forms with many <select>'s that resulted in over 700 database queries on one page. I needed a package that abstracted the caching process out of the model for me, and one that would let me cache custom queries, as well as cache model relationships. This package is the attempt to address those requirements.


  • automatic, self-invalidating relationship (both eager- and lazy-loaded) caching.
  • automatic, self-invalidating model query caching.
  • automatic use of cache tags for cache providers that support them (will flush entire cache for providers that don't).


  • PHP >= 7.0.0
  • Laravel 5.5


For best performance a taggable cache provider is recommended (redis, memcached). While this is optional, using a non-taggable cache provider will mean that the entire cache is cleared each time a model is created, saved, updated, or deleted.

For ease of maintenance, I would recommend adding a BaseModel model that extends CachedModel, from which all your other models are extended. If you don't want to do that, simply extend your models directly from CachedModel.

Here's an example BaseModel class:

<?php namespace App;

use GeneaLabs\LaravelModelCaching\CachedModel;

abstract class BaseModel extends CachedModel

That's all you need to do. All model queries and relationships are now cached!

In testing this has optimized performance on some pages up to 900%! Most often you should see somewhere around 100% performance increase. (I will show some concrete examples here soon, still working on optimizing things first.)

Commitment to Quality

During package development I try as best as possible to embrace good design and development practices to try to ensure that this package is as good as it can be. My checklist for package development includes:

  • Achieve as close to 100% code coverage as possible using unit tests.
  • Eliminate any issues identified by SensioLabs Insight and Scrutinizer.
  • Be fully PSR1, PSR2, and PSR4 compliant.
  • Include comprehensive documentation in README.md.
  • Provide an up-to-date CHANGELOG.md which adheres to the format outlined at http://keepachangelog.com.
  • Have no PHPMD or PHPCS warnings throughout all code.


Please observe and respect all aspects of the included Code of Conduct https://github.com/GeneaLabs/laravel-model-caching/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.

Reporting Issues

When reporting issues, please fill out the included template as completely as possible. Incomplete issues may be ignore or closed if there is not enough information included to be actionable.

Submitting Pull Requests

Please review the Contribution Guidelines https://github.com/GeneaLabs/laravel-model-caching/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md. Only PRs that meet all criterium will be accepted.