
notes for a refresher on SQL

SQL Refresher

This document describes the refresher 'course' given about SQL. It is purely a simple notes kind of approach. I tend to want very simple SQL for speed of analysis. This is not meant to be a course in database administration, or SQL or analysis, but a general idea of how I manage SQL for analytics.

I will not cover tablespaces, groups and roles


  • Here I outline the kinds of things I make sure i have in place before moving forward w/ an analysis.


Step 1: Setup - anatomy of a SQL client

  • Here I outline the basic anatomy of a SQL client. I tend to use PG admin, so your will see something slightly different depending on what client you use.

Step 2: Getting Data In/Getting Data Out

  • Here I outline the basics of getting data into and out of databases. Moving data around is critical to preping analytics, moving to your favorite software, and/or preparing data for presentation.

Step 3: SQL Statements Outline

  • Here I outline the basics of SQL statements.

Step 4: First Investigation Approach

  • Here I outline the things I do every time I get a new dataset.

Step 5: Indexes

  • Here I outline index's.

Step 6: Joins

  • Here I outline what it is to join tables together.

Step 6: Resources

  • Here I provide links to my favorite help documents and sections

Step 7: Other things I like

  • Here I outline other stuff I like to do and why