
A basic client to the Huawei Fusion Solar cloud interface for solar power plants

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Test Package PyPI version


A very basic python client for the HuaweiFusionSolar API used to monitor solar power plants.

This client uses the https://region01eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com end point by default. It is possible to change this using the huawei_subdomain parameter. But this has not been tested on any other end-points.

Please report any bugs!


Simply install from pypi using:

pip install fusion_solar_py


The basic usage centers around the FusionSolarClient class. It currently only has one method to extract the current power production, the total power production for the current day, and the total energy ever produced by the plant.

from fusion_solar_py.client import FusionSolarClient

# log into the API - with proper credentials...
client = FusionSolarClient("my_user", "my_password")

# NOTE: Depending on your region, you may need to set the
# `huawei_subdomain` parameter. This is the first part of the
# URL when you enter the FusionSolar API through your webbrowser
# client = FusionSolarClient("my_user", "my_password", huawei_subdomain="region01eu5")

# get the stats
stats = client.get_power_status()

# print all stats
print(f"Current power: {stats.current_power_kw} kW")
print(f"Total power today: {stats.total_power_today_kwh} kWh")
print(f"Total power: {stats.total_power_kwh} kWh")

# log out - just in case

It is additional possible to retrieve the data for specific plants - in case multiple plants are available through the account.

from fusion_solar_py.client import FusionSolarClient

# log into the API - with proper credentials...
client = FusionSolarClient("my_user", "my_password")

# get the plant ids
plant_ids = client.get_plant_ids()

print(f"Found {len(plant_ids)} plants")

# get the data for the first plant
plant_data = client.get_plant_stats(plant_ids[0])

# plant_data is a dict that contains the complete
# usage statistics of the current day. There is
# a helper function available to extract some
# most recent measurements
last_values = client.get_last_plant_data(plant_data)

print(f"Last production at {last_values['productPower']['time']}: {last_values['productPower']['value']}")

# In case you have a battery installed
print(f"Last battery charge at {last_values['chargePower']['time']}: {last_values['chargePower']['value']}")

# Additionally, if you have a meter installed you can get additional statistics
print(f"Total power consumption (today): {last_values['totalUsePower']} kWh")
print(f"Total produced power (today): {last_values['totalPower']} kWh")
print(f"Produced power consumed (today): {last_values['totalSelfUsePower']} kWh")
print(f"Relative amount of used power bought from grid: {last_values['buyPowerRatio']}%")

# log out - just in case

Available plant data / stats

This is a list of variables and a (guessed) explanation of what they mean returnd from get_plant_stats and as an abbreviated version by get_last_plant_data.

Total values

These values are always the total (in kWh) for the current day:

  • totalSelfUsePower: Total kWh of the current day's production used.
  • selfProvide: Total kWh of the current day's production used (same as above).
  • totalBuyPower: Total kWh bought from the grid today.
  • totalProductPower: Total kWh produced by the PV today.
  • totalUsePower: Total kWh used today.
  • totalOnGridPower: Total kWh returned to the grid today.


Ratios are given in percent (f.e. "35.93" for a ratio of 0.3593)

  • onGridPowerRatio: Proportion of today's PV production returned to the grid.
  • buyPowerRatio: Proportion of power consumed today that was bought from the grid.
  • selfUsePowerRatioByProduct: Proportion of produced power used.


  • existInverter: (Boolean) Set if an inverter (ie a PV plant) is installed
  • existCharge: (Boolean) - Maybe true if currently charging.
  • existMeter: (Boolean) Set if a meter is installed.
  • existEnergyStore: (Boolean) - Maybe true if a storage is installed.
  • existUsePower: (Boolean) - Maybe true if the own power is used.


These are returned as lists of values. The matching timepoints are found in the xAxis list. get_last_plant_data returns these values as a dict with the key time and value representing the last valid measurement (ie. not "--").

  • selfUsePower: Amount of energy produced by the PV used.
  • dischargePower: Amounf of energy discharged from the storage.
  • chargePower: Amount of energy charged into the storage.
  • onGridPower: (Probably) The amount of power returned to the grid.
  • disGridPower: (Probably) The amount of power taken from the grid.
  • productPower: Amounf of power produced by the PV.
  • usePower: Amount of power used.