This gem adds the omniauth authentication strategy using the oauth2 method for Fera Partner Apps.
To authenticate your partner app on your own follow the instructions in our developer docs here.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-fera', '~> 0.1'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Add this code to your initializer if you're using Rails (config/initializers/fera.rb
) or somewhere else if you're not.
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :fera,
ENV['FERA_CLIENT_ID'], # Or replace with your Fera app API client ID
ENV['FERA_CLIENT_SECRET'], # Or replace with your Fera app API client secret
callback_url: ENV['FERA_REDIRECT_URI'], # Something like and should Fera App settings
scope: 'read write' # If you're only reading data then omit the 'write' scope.
You can find your client ID, client secret and redirect URI in the Fera partner app edit screen.
After doing the above and rebooting your rack-based web server you can follow the same conventions as found in the OmniAuth gem docs here.
That just means:
You can start an authentication flow by going to /auth/fera
You need to implement/route
to a controller action or something similar for your framework. -
Within you can grab the auth token from
like this:auth_token = request.env['omniauth.auth']['credentials']['token']
Save this token value to your database so you can use it later.
BTW, you'll also receive
for your convenience in the GET params of the callback.
Your auth token (AKA access token, AKA auth key) can be used as an API key to access the Fera Private API documented here.
If you already know the Fera account, domain or store you want to connect to in your app you can pass the ?shop
with the authentication request like this:
(canonical domain), or/auth/fera?shop=fsto_someStoreId123
(Fera ID), or/auth/fera?
(vanity domain), or
Once you have an auth key you can use the Fera API easily through the Fera API gem like this:
Fera::API.configure(auth_token) do
Fera::Review.all # Returns all reviews from the authorized account/store.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
To contribute to the repository:
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the forked repository locally.
- Create a branch descriptive of your work. For example "my_new_feature_xyz".
- When you're done work, push up that branch to your own forked repository (not the main one).
- Visit and you'll see an option to create a pull request from your forked branch to the master. Create a pull request.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.