
Web Development without programming

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A minimalist website construction tool.



What It Does

Sprinkles is a tool that provides HTML front-ends to diverse data backends, based on a YAML configuration file, and a collection of templates and static files. With sprinkles, you can turn a basic JSON API, or a collection of Markdown, YAML and JSON files, into a full-blown content-driven website. Sprinkles can act as a UI layer for a complex web service, or as a front-end for a poor man's CMS, or as a drop-in replacement for a static site generator.

Getting Started


Binary Install (x64 Linux)

On a reasonably modern x64 Linux system, this is the preferred way of installing sprinkles.

  • Install the system dependencies; at the time of writing, those are:
    • libfcgi (for FCGI support)
    • libgmp (for Haskell's bignum type)
    • libcurl (for HTTP backends)
    • libpcre (for PCRE regex support)
    • libpq5 (for the PostgreSQL backend)
    • libmysqlclient (for MySQL support)
  • Get the binary release tarball from https://github.com/tdammers/sprinkles/releases/latest (both zip file and tarball are available, both contain the same files)
  • Unzip or untar
  • Copy the sprinkles binary in sprinkles/bin/sprinkles to somewhere on your $PATH (the suggested location for single-user deployments is ~/.local/bin/sprinkles, or ~/bin/sprinkles; for system-wide installation as root, /usr/local/bin/sprinkles).
  • Go to one of the example projects and start a sprinkles server: cd examples/countryInfo; sprinkles 5000 Then point your browser at http://localhost:5000/.

From Source

The easiest way to do that is to use Stack:

  • Install development versions of the system dependencies; at the time of writing, those are:
    • libfcgi (for FCGI support)
    • libgmp (for Haskell's bignum type)
    • libcurl (for HTTP backends)
    • libpcre (for PCRE regex support)
    • libmysqlclient (for MySQL support)
  • Install stack
  • Clone the Sprinkles repository: git clone https://bitbucket.org/tdammers/sprinkles.git
  • Go to the project directory: cd sprinkles
  • Install the sprinkles binary for your user: stack install
  • Go to one of the example projects and start a sprinkles server: cd examples/countryInfo; sprinkles 5000 Then point your browser at http://localhost:5000/.

Project structure

The core of every sprinkles project is the project.yml file. (See http://yaml.org/ for details on YAML). When starting up, sprinkles parses that file and configures itself accordingly. The most important (and currently only) key in that file is rules, a list of routing rules.

Routing Rules

A routing rule consists of the following keys:

  • pattern, a route pattern that triggers the route if matched, and extracts variables
  • data, a dictionary of context data to load from data backends. This data gets passed to the template. Backend definitions can use variables defined in patterns and redirects; more on that below.
  • template, the name of a ginger template file to use for this route. If none is given, the backend data is served as JSON, in raw form.
  • static, a boolean (true or false) that, if true, overrides the template and causes Sprinkles to serve the raw file found under the data.file key as-is.
  • redirect, defines a local URL to redirect to.
  • required, a list of backend data keys that need to be present. A missing backend data key that appears in this list will lead to a 404 page being served, while a missing backend data key that doesn't will just produce a null value, and the template will still be rendered.

The rules are sampled from top to bottom, until one is found that matches.


A pattern is a HTTP request path, i.e., the part of the URL after the domain name. In their simplest form, patterns match exactly, e.g.: '/pages/home' will match http://mywebsite.com/pages/home, and nothing else.

Apart from literally matching exact paths, the following are possible:

  • Matching any path item: /pages/{{*}} matches any direct child of /pages, e.g. /pages/pizza, /pages/hello, /pages/1, etc.
  • Matching many path items: /pages/{{**}} matches any descendant of /pages, e.g. /pages/pizza, /pages/pizza/pepperoni, /pages/1/5/things-to-see-and-do, as well as /pages itself.
  • Matching a regular expression: /pages/{{/[0-9]+/}} matches anything under /pages/ that matches the regular expression /[0-9]+/, e.g. /pages/1, /pages/2378728, etc. The regular expression dialect used here is PCRE (i.e., the one used in Perl).
  • Named matches: these can take the same form as the above, but come with a name. That name is used as a variable under which the matched path part is captured, and that captured variable can then be used to parametrize backend definitions (see below). The syntax is {{(variable-name):(match-specifier)}}, where variable-name is the name for the capture, and match-specifier is one of the above matchers. For example, the following matches exactly one path item and captures it under the name "slug": {{slug:*}}. Another example; {{id:/[1-9][0-9]*/}} matches a positive integer and captures it under the name "id".


Backends are the things that pull data into your website. Such data can come from diverse sources, and in various content formats. Sprinkles makes a best effort at normalizing things into a consistent model, such that your templates don't need to know whether the data they're handling was originally a local .docx file, a JSON document fetched from a RESTful API, or a result set from an SQL query.

All backends can be defined in long-hand object form or in short-hand string form; the string form is more convenient, but doesn't offer all the options. Both forms support interpolating captured variables from route patterns in order to parametrize backend queries (i.e., fetch different data items based on the variable parts of the matched route). In fact, the interpolation is implemented using Ginger (see below, under "Templates"), and the string parts of each backend specification is actually a tiny Ginger template - this means that you can do a lot more than just putting captured variables into backend specs as-is; the full Ginger language is at your disposal here.

Supported Backend Types

All backend specifications support at least the type, fetch, and order keys in long-hand mode. type determines the backend type, fetch is one of one, all, or an integer for a fixed maximum number of items. all and numbered return a list of records, one returns just one record. For order, the following are allowed:

  • "arbitrary": do not reorder, use whatever the backend produces
  • "random": random-shuffle results
  • "shuffle": same as "random"
  • "name": order by name
  • "mtime": order by modification time
The file Backend

Fetches data from local files.


type: 'file'
path: '{filename}' # The filename, absolute or relative, to load



Two variations exist: using glob for the type instead of file will interpret the filename as a glob expression and return zero or more files instead of exactly one; using dir will treat the filename as a directory and return all direct descendants of the directory rather than the directory itself.


type: file
path: '/var/www/example.org/static/{staticfile}'
The http Backend

Issues HTTP GET request to a remote server.


type: 'http'
uri: '{remote-uri}'


'http://{remote-uri}' # remote URI (without the `http://` prefix)

Using https instead of http will fetch data over an HTTPS connection.

The sql Backend

Fetches data from an SQL database. Currently supports SQLite3 and PostgreSQL.


  type: 'sql'
    driver: {driver} # one of 'sqlite', 'postgres'
    dsn: {driver-specific data source name}
  query: {SQL query} # parametrized using ? for placeholders
  params: [ "{{param1}}", "{{param2}}", ... ] # parameters to put in placeholder



Note that for security reasons, the SQL query string itself does not support variable substitution; captured variables can only be interpolated into the params array. This is to prevent SQL Injection: captured variables are user-supplied and thus potentially tainted, so we only accept them into parameters, not into the raw query. Since the shorthand form doesn't cater for parameters, it follows that the shorthand doesn't support injecting captured variables.

Because SQL result sets do not come in any particular file format by themselves, sprinkles pretends they're JSON, and exposes them with a content type of text/json, as a document containing a list of rows, each modelled as an object of column names to values.

The subprocess Backend

Run a program locally, and return its output (read from stdout).


type: 'subprocess'
cmd: ['{program}', '{arg1}', '{arg2}', ... ]
mime-type: '{mime-type}'

Shorthand: n/a

Particular points of interest:

  • Processes do not provide any information about the format of their output; because of this, you have to specify it explicitly in the configuration. If no MIME type is defined, text/plain is assumed.
  • To prevent shell injection vulnerabilities, the command and arguments need to be provided as a list; the command is run directly, without a shell. This means, among other things, that shell magic such as globbing, environment variable substitution, or shorthands like ~ won't work.
The post Backend

Parse the request body according to its content type.


type: 'post'



Particular points of interests:

  • This backend will only produce data for POST requests, since GET requests do not have a body.

Supported Content Types

Sprinkles detects the content type (file format) for backend data automatically in most cases, depending on the backend type (see above). All the supported MIME types are marshalled into the same format, but due to the diverse nature of the data, details may still differ. The following types are currently supported:

  • JSON (application/json, text/json): parsed as JSON, and exposed as-is
  • YAML (application/x-yaml, text/x-yaml): parsed as YAML, into the same kind of data structures as JSON
  • Markdown (application/x-markdown, text/x-markdown): parsed as Pandoc Markdown. The resulting value behaves as follows:
    • When converted to JSON, generates the same output as Pandoc's JSON writer, i.e., a JSON representation of Pandoc's parse tree.
    • When converted to plain text, generates the same output as Pandoc's plaintext writer.
    • When converted to HTML, generates the same output as Pandoc's HTML5 writer.
    • When used as a list (iterating without keys, or indexing with numeric keys), behaves as a list of the top-level blocks, which in turn behave like documents themselves. This means that you can step through the parsed DOM-like tree using array indexing, e.g. page[0] will get the first block in the page document, typically a level-1 heading, or the first paragraph of the document.
    • When used as a dictionary, two keys are exposed: meta, which gives access to meta properties defined in the input document, and body, which points at the input document contents.
  • Textile (application/x-textile, text/x-textile): parsed as Textile using Pandoc. The resulting value behaves like Markdown.
  • ReStructuredText (application/x-rst, text/x-rst): parsed as RST using Pandoc. The resulting value behaves like Markdown.
  • HTML (application/html, text/html): parsed as HTML using Pandoc. This means that while basic semantic formatting (<p>, <h1>, <b>, <em>, ...) is preserved, most HTML-specific features (class names, IDs, script tags, ...) will be stripped out. Note that no attempt is made to translate relative URLs referenced in the HTML, so such links are likely to not work.
  • DOCX (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document): OpenXML-style Word documents. Support is rudimentary: text content is preserved without problems, but most formatting will be stripped out.
  • Any other content type will not be parsed, but can be served as-is using the static directive. Using such data in templates or trying to serve them as JSON will produce empty values / null.


Templates for sprinkles are written in Ginger, a flavor of the Jinja2 template language. Templates go into the /templates directory in your project and must have an extension of .html; subdirectories are OK for included templates, but all entry points (i.e., templates referenced from your project configuration) must be in the /templates directory itself.

Inside a template, the following variables are available by default:

  • request: an object describing various properties of the current HTTP request.
  • All the variables defined in the backend configuration for the current route (rules -> {rule-number} -> data -> {variable-name})
  • All the variables defined in the global backend configuration (data -> {variable-name}`)
  • A few convenience functions:
    • ellipse(str, length) shortens str to length, adding an ellipsis if the string was shortened
    • json(value), producing a pretty-printed JSON string representation of the argument
    • yaml(value), the same for YAML
    • load(backend-spec), which allows you to load additional backend data from within a template. (Note: currently load() only supports the short-hand format for backend specifications)
    • pandoc(str, format), runs the input str through a Pandoc parser indicated by format. Pandoc supports a wide range of input formats, including html, markdown, textile, rst, mediawiki, docx, etc.
  • Everything Ginger provides out-of-the-box.