This is a docker build tool for developers.
Base on alpine.
- Install docker
- alpine
- store
- memcached
- redis
- mysql5.6
- php5.6
- php7
- nginx
Create your project directory,and make sure it's shared on docker.
Exec on linux
sudo ./up -a auth -p project_path
- Exec on mac
sudo ./up_mac -a auth -p project_path
- Exec on windows
up.exe -a auth -p project_path
- Add demo host,let's start.
add >>hosts
- Build images,but you must edit build info before exec.
cd alpine && ./
- Run container
docker run --name store -d -it -v /data_path:/data jepson/store
docker run --name memcached -d jepson/memcached
docker run --name php -d -it -v /data_path:/app --volumes-from store --link memcached jepson/php
docker run --name nginx -d -p 80:80 -v /data_path:/app --volumes-from store --link php jepson/nginx
To learn more about all the features of docker compose see the list of features.
- You should shared local drivers you want to be available to your containers
- {version: '2'} There is a space after the colon
- { alpine:} Only is a space before option