Definitions of Agent Based Models
- An agent-based model is a way of modeling some sort of phenomenon using discrete “agents” which interact with other agents, sometimes in very complex ways. In case this is too abstract, you can think of agents as simulated people, and you’re trying to model how they interact with each other.
Python Libraries for Agent Based Models
References & Links
Wooldridge, M. J. (2009). An introduction to multiagent systems (second). John Wiley & Sons.
Weiss, G. (2013). Multiagent Systems (second). MIT Press.
Shoham, Y., & Leyton-Brown, K. (2008). Multiagent systems. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Online articles
Scientific Computing with Python Second Link
Introduction to Mesa: Agent-based Modeling in Python
Why Coding Multi Agent Systems is Hard
Scalable and Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Multi-agent systems for Challenging Real-World problems
Reactive vs Goal-oriented architectures
Youtube Masterclass from Michael J. Wooldridge
Relationship between Nash Equilibria and Pareto Optimal Solutions