
Collection of material found and used during my dive into webRTC tech and its intricacies

WebRTC Intro

Friday - 18th of November, 2016. The new internet Hype is Real-Time connection. When talking about real-time we find ourselves with the following main categories:

  • Data sharing
  • Video / Audio streaming
  • Socket connection for two-way data flow
  • Peer2Peer & Peer2Server2Peer connections

To slowly dive into the tech currently available I leaned on Google, StackOverflow, ... classics ... and several articles and tutorials. The following document tries to be a collection of the resources I found most helpful.

Warning: This is not a tutorial series and the links are not ordered in a gradual learning curve specific way.


Understanding What is available

Useful Repos

WebRTC 'Solutions'



  • Wireshark: network analyzer
  • Chrome Internals
  • Lynckia: Madrid based openSource project. Looks to offer 'Web Real Time Communications Solutions'

Screen Sharing
