

Primary LanguageC


INF UFRGS - Operating Systems 1 Coursework

Important notes

  • Block address begins in zero, and the first position is at the equation Block
  • Any sector that coudln't fit in a Block will be ignored (Only the ones at the end of the partition).
  • THE Directory is described by one, and only one, i-node.

The System Structure is composed of:

  • SUPERBLOCK - Super Block structure
  • THEDIR - THE Directory structure
  • SWOFL - System Wide Open File List
  • PWOFL - Process Wide Open File List

Implementation plan

Always create a test for a function or parts of a function!

Before starting to implement any function, be sure the description is correct and complete, and that you understand what it is supposed to be implemented.

Files must be saved in some cases. Keep it in mind, as it may not have been described.


0. Initialization

  2. "THEDIR := NULL"
  3. "SWOFL := NULL"
  4. "PWOFL := NULL"

1. Format2

  1. Do the necessary calculations and create the Superblock
    • Calculations:
      • Sector Size: 256 Bytes. It uses one whole Block in the system
      • Sectors per Block: x Sectors, equation
      • Block size: equation Bytes
      • Partition Size: equation Bytes
      • Blocks per Partition: equation Blocks
      • Blocks for i-nodes: equation Blocks
      • Blocks for i-node bitmap: equation Blocks
        • i-nodes per Block: equation i-nodes
        • Maximum i-nodes per Partition: equation i-nodes
      • Blocks for Free/Used Blocks bitmap: equation Blocks
        Attention: it's necessary to consider the meta-data blocks too, since the Superblock structure doesn't provide any information about the first sector of the data area.
    • Checksum function
  2. Allocate the Free/Used Blocks bitmap and initialize it: 1 indicates occupied, 0 indicates free
    Attention: since the Superblock structure doesn't provide any information about the first sector of the data area, the whole meta-data area codified in this bitmap must be marked as used.
  3. Allocate the i-node bitmap and initialize it: 1 indicates occupied, 0 indicates free.
  4. The Data Blocks will extend until the end of the partition.
    Important: these Blocks will be used for the data files, the diretory files and the index blocks.
  5. Create THE Directory i-node.

x. Common functions (incomplete):

  • Localize a Free Block.
    • Returns zero if couldn't find, negative if an error occurred or the positive ID of the Block.
  • Allocate a Free Block.
    • Returns the Allocated Block ID.
  • Deallocate an Occupied Block.
    • Returns Success or Failure.
  • Localize a Free i-node.
    • Returns zero if couldn't find, negative if an error occurred or the positive ID of the i-node.
  • Allocate a Free i-node.
    • Returns zero if Success, non-zero if Failure.
  • Append a Block to an i-node.
    • Returns zero if Success, non-zero if Failure.
  • Function to deallocate all Blocks of a given i-node.
    • Returns Success or Failure (determined through the file size in bytes and number of Blocks deallocated).
  • Delete an Occupied i-node completely.
    • Returns Success or Failure.
  • Function to map an i-node ID to a sector.
    • Returns the sector ID in relation to the first sector of the partition.
  • Function to map an i-node ID to a position within a sector.
    • Returns the i-node position within the sector, in IDs not in Bytes.
  • Function to create a new i-node given a dentry.
    • Returns zero if Success, non-zero if Failure.
  • Function to write a given i-node.
    • Returns zero if Success, non-zero if Failure.
  • Function to load an i-node given a dentry.
    • Returns zero if Success, non-zero if Failure.
  • Function to read a Block and return it in a buffer.
    • Returns Success or Failure.
  • Function to write a given Block buffer into a Block position.
    • Returns number of bytes written.
  • Load Superblock
    • Returns zero if successful, any non-zero value otherwise.
  • Check if is a Superblock
    • Returns zero if is a Superblock, any non-zero value otherwise.
  • Checksum
    • Returns the value of the checksum.
  • Check if partition is mounted
    • Returns non-zero if mounted, zero if not mounted.
  • Check if THE Director is open
    • Returns non-zero if is open, zero otherwise.
  • Initialization of the System Wide Open File List
    • Returns zero if success, non-zero if failure.
  • Destroy System Wide Open File List
    • Returns zero if success, non-zero if failure.
  • Initialization of the Process Wide Open File List
    • Returns zero if success, non-zero if failure.
  • Destroy Process Wide Open File List
    • Returns zero if success, non-zero if failure.
  • Create and Delete functions for both (separate), SWOFL entries and PWOFL entries
    • Returns zero if success, non-zero if failure.
  • Generate File Id
    • Returns the next available ID to describe the PWOFL file entry.
  • Check if a given filename is valid
    • Return zero is it is valid, non-zero otherwise.
  • Discover and retrieves a open file by its filename
    • Returns zero if found an open file with the given filename, non-zero otherwise.

2. How to implement THE Directory? i-node

3. Mount:

  1. See if there isn't any mounted partition. Only mount if the root is free to go. (Id 6: this repeats in another function)
  2. Read Superblock to RAM.
  3. Verify Checksum.
  4. Return Success.

4. Umount:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted. (Id 6: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check that no files are open, including THE Directory.
  3. Close THE Directory. Do not let unmount if directory is open.
  4. Deallocate Superblock.
  5. Return Success.

5. Identify: just do it.

6. Create2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the given file name is valid. (Id 9: this repeats in another function)
  3. Check if a file with the given name is not open. If is open, return an error.
  4. Check if a file with the given name exists.
    1. In case it exists:
      1. Deallocate all its Blocks in the Free/Occupied Blocks Bitmap. (Id 8: this repeats in another function)
        Attention: remember to deallocate every block in all the given indirection levels.
      2. Update the i-node file size.
    2. In case it doesn't exists:
      1. Allocate an i-node and a Free Block. Use predefined functions! Or create them!
      2. Fill the i-node with the necessary info. Use predefined functions! Or create them!
      3. Create a dentry and add it to THE Directory. Create a function for common file dentry creation!
  5. Return Success

7. Delete2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the given file name is valid. (Id 9: this repeats in another function)
  3. Locate the file. (Id 1: this repeats in another function)
  4. Check that the file is not open.
  5. Load i-node.
  6. Decrement the "RefCounter" of the i-node.
  7. If the "RefCounter" reaches zero:
    1. Case true:
      1. Deallocate the Occupied i-node in the i-node Bitmap.
      2. Deallocate all its Blocks in the Free/Occupied Blocks Bitmap. (Id 8: this repeats in another function)
        Attention: remember to deallocate every block in all the given indirection levels.
        Consider creating a function for this.
      3. Unload i-node.
    2. Case false:
      1. Save i-node.
  8. Return Success.

8. Open2: missing load symlink

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the given file name is valid. (Id 9: this repeats in another function)
  3. Locate the file. (Id 1: this repeats in another function)
    Attention: softlinks must be treated accordingly.
    1. Search in the System-Wide Open File List.
    2. Search in THE Directory.
  4. Create FILE2 descriptor
    Needs a function: Create File Handler --- This makes it easier to test.
    1. If doesn't exist, create an entry in the System-Wide Open File List (SWOFL) with the file name, i-node address and number of references (this entry is a structure).
    2. Create an entry in the Process-Wide Open File List (PWOFL) which points to the SW Open File List entry and an identifier FILE2 (this entry is a structure).
    3. Increment the SWOFL entry's number of reference.
    4. Initialize the PW Open File entry's Current Pointer to zero.
    5. Return the FILE2 descriptor.
  5. Return the FILE2 descriptor.

9. Close2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the FILE2 descriptor is valid. (Id 10: this repeats in another function)
  3. Find the file in the Process-Wide Open File List (PWOFL) using the FILE2 identifier. (Id 2: this repeats in another function)
  4. Guard temporarily the pointer to the SWOFL entry.
  5. Remove the entry from the PWOFL. Careful not to break the list.
  6. Decrement the SWOFL entry. If it reaches zero, remove it from the list. Careful not to break the list.
  7. Return Success.

10. Read2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the Buffer pointer is not NULL and Size is not negative. (Id 3: this repeats in another function)
  3. Check if the FILE2 descriptor is valid. (Id 10: this repeats in another function)
  4. Locate the file in the Process-Wide Open File List (PWOFL) using the FILE2 identifier. (Id 2: this repeats in another function)
  5. Calculate if the "File Size - Current Position < Size". This indicates that the read reached the end of the file. If so, maintain "File Size - Current Position" in a variable to be returned.
  6. Feed the Buffer through a for loop, reading sector by sector. Be careful to do this correctly and using the indirection pointers accordingly.
    Consider creating a separate function to do this.
  7. Update the Current Position of the PWOFL entry.
  8. Return the number of bytes read.

11. Write2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the Buffer pointer is not NULL and Size is not negative. (Id 3: this repeats in another function)
  3. Check if the FILE2 descriptor is valid. (Id 10: this repeats in another function)
  4. Check if any new Block is going to be needed. If needed, be careful to allocate the Blocks through the existing functions and point to the correct index entry.
  5. Locate the file in the Process-Wide Open File List (PWOFL) using the FILE2 identifier. (Id 2: this repeats in another function)
  6. Consume the Buffer through a for loop, writing sector by sector. Be careful to do this correctly and using the indirection pointers accordingly.
    Important: if the Current Position + Size exceed the Maximum File Size, writes only Maximum File Size - Current Position.
    Consider using a function to write a given number of bytes/sectors/blocks given a position, a buffer and a size.
    This may need to load the given Block' sector into a buffer, write into the buffer and then write the buffer to memory.
    This depends on the Current Pointer's position.
  7. Return the number of bytes successfully written.

12. Opendir2:

  1. Only continues if a partition is mounted and THE Directory isn't already open.
  2. Create a (the only) structure for consulting THE Directory. Current Entry points to the first entry in THE Directory.
  3. Load THE Directory i-node and initialize THEDIR struct.
  4. Initialize System-Wide Open File List (probably use the list API of the first assignment).
  5. Initialize Process-Wide Open File List.
  6. Return Success.

13. Readdir2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is already open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if Current Entry is pointing to a valid dentry.
  3. Put the entry in the variable given by the user.
  4. Update the Current Entry.
  5. Return Success.

14. Closedir2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if there are no open files.
  3. Close THE Directory.
  4. Deallocate Open File Lists.
  5. Return Success.

15: sln2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the given link name and the file name are valid. (Id 9: this repeats in another function)
  3. Check that a file with the link name doesn't exist. (Id 7: this sequence [1,2] repeats in another function)
  4. Check if the file which the link should point exists.
  5. Allocate an i-node and a Free Block. Use predefined functions! Or create them!
  6. Fill the allocated block with the string containing the file direction. The "/file" string, not a pointer to the i-node!
  7. Fill i-node with the necessary info. Use predefined functions! Or create them!
    1. "blocksFileSize:=0x01".
    2. "dataPtr[0]:=blockAddress".
    3. "bytesFileSize:=stringSizeInBytes". Be carefull to add the '\0' char in this counting.
    4. "RefCounter:=1".
  8. Create a dentry and add it to THE Directory. Create a function for this SL dentry creation!
  9. Return Success.

16: hln2:

  1. Check if a partition is mounted and THE Directory is open. (Id 5: this repeats in another function)
  2. Check if the given link name and the file name are valid. (Id 9: this repeats in another function)
  3. Check that a file with the link name doesn't exist. (Id 7: this sequence [1,2] repeats in another function)
  4. Check if the file which the link should point exists and is not a softlink.
  5. Fetch the file i-node ID. Load the i-node.
  6. Create a dentry and add it to THE Directory. Create a function for this HL dentry creation!
  7. Increment the file i-node "RefCounter".
  8. Return Success.