
PB-PJ COMP354 Group Project

Primary LanguageJava

MyMoney | COMP354 - PB-PJ


MyMoney is a money management desktop application written in Java.

Itteration 1 Specifications and Proffesor Assinged Objectives

Iteration 1


Software requirements specification (for all user stories). Each team will be responsible to independently refine the user stories into software requirements. (Your team is your customer.)

Use Case:

For your team work in this course, you should aim to have at least one use case per team member. However, for the first increment, you should decide on three basic use cases that can be implemented in one week.

Lab Goals:

Laboratory Week 4: Present your working version of the system for iteration 1. The team meeting should review what needs to be done over the next week to get the application ready for submission; the team should review status of the document, and review the timeline overall for iteration 1, assigned tasks and deadlines, for both the software and the document to be ready for submission.

Tutorial Week 5: Laboratory Week 5: Last minute scrum to resolve remaining work for software and document submission. Do not forget to write minutes of meetings and individual diaries, and place these on the repository under version control. Do not forget to submit software, document, diary. Submit to EAS under required category: Documents should be submitted as “project 1”; Source code as “programming assignment 1”; diary as “theory assignment 1”. Submission at end of Week 5.

Personal Study Week 5 and 6: Review course material for Quiz 1. Pay particular attention to how the lectures relate to your project work. Web page should have questions to guide your study. Review what you covered in tutorials for Iteration 1: domain model, use cases, TDD, MVC.
Itteration 2 Specifications and Proffesor Assinged Objectives

Iteration 2


Architectural and detailed design specification (for all user stories)

Lab Goals:

Laboratory Week 6: Team meeting to celebrate submission of Iteration 1; discuss rotation of roles for Iteration 2; select use cases for Iteration 2; and agree on task assignments, deadlines, and overall timeline. Possible de-brief on what worked well and what did not work well on Iteration 1. Possible plan to fix any remaining issues in software for Iteration 1.

Laboratory Week 7: Documenters should review Latex and create a sample document. Coders should review JUnit and create sample unit tests. The team should meet and resolve any misunderstandings for Iteration 2 about the domain model and use cases; hear how the Coders plan to implement their assigned use case; hear what issues the Documenters have, and what content/information they need. Everyone can help create sample data for person X as needed by the unit tests. Review the timeline overall for iteration 2, assigned tasks and deadlines.

Laboratory Week 8: Present your working version of the system for iteration 2. The team meeting should review what needs to be done over the next week to get the application ready for submission; the team should review status of the document, and review the timeline overall for iteration 2, assigned tasks and deadlines, for both the software and the document to be ready for submission.

Tutorial Week 9: Laboratory Week 9: Last minute scrum to resolve remaining work for software and document submission. Do not forget to write minutes of meetings and individual diaries, and place these on the repository under version control. Do not forget to submit software, document, diary. Submit to EAS under required category: Documents should be submitted as “project 2”; Source code as “programming assignment 2”; diary as “theory assignment 2”. Submission at end of Week 9.
Itteration 3 Specifications and Proffesor Assinged Objectives

Iteration 3


Test plan and test report

Lab Goals:

Laboratory Week 10: Team meeting to celebrate submission of Iteration 2; discuss rotation of roles for Iteration 3; select use cases for Iteration 3; and agree on task assignments, deadlines, and overall timeline. Possible de-brief on what worked well and what did not work well on Iteration 2. Possible plan to fix any remaining issues in software for Iteration 2.

Personal Study Week 10 and 11: Review course material for Quiz 2. Pay particular attention to how the lectures relate to your project work. Web page should have questions to guide your study. Review what you covered in tutorials.

Laboratory Week 11: Present your working version of the system for iteration 3. The team meeting should review what needs to be done over the next week to get the application ready for submission; the team should review status of the document, and review the timeline overall for iteration 3, assigned tasks and deadlines, for both the software and the document to be ready for submission.

Tutorial Week 12: Laboratory Week 12: Last minute scrum to resolve remaining work for software and document submission. Do not forget to write minutes of meetings and individual diaries, and place these on the repository under version control. Do not forget to submit software, document, diary. Submit to EAS under required category: Documents should be submitted as “project 3”; Source code as “programming assignment 3”; diary as “theory assignment 3”. Submission at end of Week 12.

Tutorial Week 13: Laboratory Week 13: Final project presentations and demos will be scheduled

Team Members

Name Email Address Github Username Role(Iteration 1)
Matthew Ferderber matthewferderber@gmail.com matthewferderber Coder
Matthew Dugal mattDugal@live.com mdugal Coder
Artem Khomich khomich.art@gmail.com         khomich.art       Coder
Eric Morgan ericchiassonmorgan@gmail.com e-cm Documentation
Viktoriya Malinova malinova.vk@gmail.com         viktosa           Documentation
Maxmilien malderle maxmalderle@gmail.com                           Documentation
Mylene Haurie mylenehaurie@gmail.com Mylene-H Organizer
Kai Nicoll-Griffith Kai.nicoll.griffith@gmail.com kng-scherezade   Organizer


  • git clone https://github.com/matthewferderber/comp354-myMoney
  • Open in Eclipse


  • Java 1.8
  • Eclipse
  • JUnit
  • Maven
