Disclaimer: This is just a script for data exploration. Code might not be idempotent.
Simulations and data can be found in the netlogo folder. The presentation is available as VirusVariants.pdf.
This is a project in the course Computational Life Sciences at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart). Inspired by the rise of the novel corona-variant ‚Omikron‘, the main research question was: How do two similar variants behave when they are initially put in the same environment. Do they coexist or compete? An SEIRD-model is used, which was created with NetLogo. The stochastic exploration of data using R shows that the chance of emerging competition between two similar variants is very high.
See https://www.rstudio.com/blog/renv-project-environments-for-r/.
In R-Console:
Setup renv:
- load renv
(make sure that renv is installed firstinstall.packages("renv")
) renv::restore()
To save the current env: renv::snapshot()
Approx. 10 min for 2nd experiment