
Boiler plate to init a Dockerized fastApi-Postgres/SQLAlchemy-Alembic project

Primary LanguagePython

FastAPI Micro-Service Boiler-Plate

This repository offers boilerplate code for initiating a Dockerized FastAPI-PostgreSQL-SQLAlchemy-Alembic project. It includes a pre-commit framework configured with mypy and ruff to ensure consistent code formatting and strict typing. Whether you're building microservices or a larger application, this template streamlines your project setup, allowing you to focus on developing your FastAPI-based microservices with confidence

Use this template as a starting point to quickly set up a robust and scalable FastAPI project with PostgreSQL, taking advantage of powerful features like automatic API documentation generation, asynchronous capabilities, and containerization for easy deployment.


Table of Contents


  • FastAPI framework for building high-performance APIs
  • PostgreSQL database integration with SQLAlchemy for efficient data management
  • Alembic for seamless database schema migrations
  • Pre-commit framework with MyPy and ruff for code formatting and strict typing checks
  • CRUD base class fot instance with needed model
  • Project config file fo ease update configurations
  • Utils function in utils.py (client and consumer for RabbitMQ broker for example)

Get started with your FastAPI project in no time using this template repository!


Initial Setup

  • Init project:
    • create and activate a virtual env
    • install initial dependencies
    • install pre-commit config and run in all file to initial check Positioning in the project root run make the following make command:
    make init

Environment Variables

Local Development

To set up environment variables for local development, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project.
  2. Add the necessary environment variables to the .env file in the format KEY=VALUE. Adjust the config.py file to insert these variables into the config class instance.

Example .env file:



For deployment, you'll need to set up environment variables or secrets in your GitHub repository. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create the required environment variables or secrets in your GitHub repository.
  2. In the github-actions workflow file locate the env section.
  3. Insert the environment variables or secrets into the workflow step, providing the necessary values.

Example workflow step:

- name: Deploy
    DB_HOST: ${{ vars.DB_HOST }}
    DB_PORT: ${{ vars.DB_PORT }}
    DB_USER: ${{ secrets.DB_USER }}
    DB_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DB_PASSWORD }}
  run: |
    # Add your deployment script here


Please ensure you update this README after implementing an instance of this template. Here are the recommended steps to follow:

1. Introduction and Overview

In your README's "Introduction and/or Overview" section (or similar), include the following information:

The service is built is based on the [fastAPI MS Template](https://github.com/ferdinandbracho/bp_fastAPI-sqlalchemy-alembic-docker). For comprehensive technical details, instructions on how to run, deploy, and any other related considerations, please refer to the documentation provided in the [template repository](https://github.com/ferdinandbracho/bp_fastAPI-sqlalchemy-alembic-docker).

2 Indeed Information

Towards the end of your README, just before the "Contributing" section (if applicable), add links to specific sections of the template repository for Indeed Information:

  ## Indeed Information
  For detailed information on installation and prerequisites, please refer to the [template repository](https://github.com/ferdinandbracho/bp_fastAPI-sqlalchemy-alembic-docker).


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Implement your changes.
  4. Write or update tests as necessary.
  5. Submit a pull request against the main branch.

Please ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.