#To run: # 1. assume your R.exe is located at "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.1\bin\x64\R.exe" # if not, then change in the following line the directory (in " ") accordingly. # 2. Open the window prompt (cmd) in the folder where GlobalManager.r is located # 3. In the windows prompt (cmd) enter: # "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave GlobalManager.r # How to run the *GlobalManager.R* code > cd C:\Users\feren\Dropbox\OLD\PROJECTS-FUNDED\missiles\MissleModel\feb10\new5\new5 > > "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.0\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave GlobalManager.r # How to run the *GridManager.R* code Note that the *TargetCharacteristics* are the test results we want to reproduce in the simulation. ## How to find the best Eta to fit the test results. - Go to input parameters sheet - Go to SelectedVariables sheet and add ete_change as a variable. This is what we plan to change. - Modify default variable *eta_change* in *MC_stageParam_Mean* sheet and in the the *MC_stageParam_StDev* sheet. - Now run the line: "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.0\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave GlobalManagerGrid.r - Which ever *eta_change* was found is now entered into the *StageParam* sheet. This is the default result to reproduce the test results. ## How to find the best input parameters to fit the test results. - Go to input paramaters sheet - Go to GeneralParamaters sheet and modify time steps and nstep=n. This means that there are n+1 values. Where n/2 = $\sigma$ the dispersion. - Go to SelectedVarables sheet and enter the variable names in StageParam. Let the number of parameters to vary be N. Then remember that the number of runs = (n+1)*N! # How to run the *findMaxRange.R* code - Now that we have found a set of parameters that satisfy the test results, accept ones which are in the periphery which satisfy the test results within say 10%. - Modify the InputParameters spreadsheet so that the expected input paramaters are used. - Run the *findMaxRange.R to determine the maximum range with the line: "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.3\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave findMaxRange.r # 3/5/2018 ## Units | Variable | Units | Description | Source | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | exmin | km | plot range | Sheet | | exmax | km | plot range | Sheet | | eymin | km | plot range | Sheet | | eymax | km | plot range | Sheet | | Rearth | m | Radius | Sheet | | dtprint | ? | ? | Sheet | | tm.step | sec | Integration Step | Main.r | | fuelmass[stage] | kg | Fuel Mass | Sheet | | dryweight[stage] | kg | Dry Weight | Sheet | | m0_tmp[stage+1] | ? | not sure how computed | Main.r | | Isp0[stage] | sec | Specific Impulse | Sheet | | burntime[stage] | sec | Burn Time | Sheet | | dmdt[stage] | kg/sec | `{.katex}{dM \over dt}` | Main.r | | anozzle[stage] | `{.katex} m^2` | Area of Nozzle | Sheet | | across[stage] | `{.katex} m^2` | Cross-sectional Area of the missile stage | Sheet | | eta | deg | Lateral Thrust | Sheet | | tMinRelTime | sec | Relative time wrt start of burn that lateral thrusters turned on | Sheet | | tMaxRelTime | sec | Relative time wrt start of burn that lateral thrusters turned off | Sheet | # Missile Data id: b4ed07e4285e409fa09f82062b7e79ce parent_id: e064d3a2abaf4c76b686f0bc7086eb94 created_time: 2018-03-06T08:05:03.337Z updated_time: 2019-11-10T21:17:03.436Z is_conflict: 0 latitude: 36.62490000 longitude: -121.82570000 altitude: 0.0000 author: source_url: is_todo: 0 todo_due: 0 todo_completed: 0 source: joplin-desktop source_application: net.cozic.joplin-desktop application_data: order: 0 user_created_time: 2018-03-06T08:05:03.337Z user_updated_time: 2019-11-10T21:17:03.436Z encryption_cipher_text: encryption_applied: 0 type_: 1