
This App gets the user location and shows if is winter or summer based on what part of the world the user is located.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello World with React boilerplate

This template is similar to create-react-app but it's meant for 4Geeks Academy students.

Download the boilerplate using git
$ git clone https://github.com/4GeeksAcademy/react-hello.git
$ cd react-hello
and install the npm package:
$ npm install

Start coding!

For Windows, Mac, Linux or Gitpod, start the webpack server with live reload:

  • $ npm run start

You can update the styles/index.scss or js/index.js depending on your needs. Add more files into your, ./src/js/components or styles folder as you need them.

Publish your website!

This boilerplate is 100% compatible with the free github pages and now zeit hosting.

It takes just 2 minutes to deploy, click here to start the process.

Other features

  • Automatic Code Formatting: Use of Prettier for automatic code indentation and formatting.
  • Error reporting: Use of eslint for better error reporting.
  • Hot Deploy: Use of Webpack Development Server for hot deploy and live reload.
  • One-command publish of the code to github pages with npm run deploy:github.
  • Babel 7 (really fast).