
Example of javascript module compiled with webpack that can then be used with node, frontend bundles, and <script> tags

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an example module that will be used as a proof-of-concept to develop a compilation and publishing strategy for the search-index module.


This repo contains the source code for a module that contains the level dependency. Additionally this repo contains build scripts to publish the module in various formats. The aim of this module is to genarate:

  • A version of the module that runs in node
  • A version of the module that runs as a standalone js file that can be invoked from a <script> tag
  • A version of the module that can be compiled into a runnable web bundle
  • A suite of tests that can be run in node
  • A suite of tests that can be run in the browser


The code needs to be able to handle the level library


The source code is written in the "ES6 module" style, since this is currenyly the most future-proof way to author modules.


Build strategy

A version of the module that runs in node

This will be non-compiled. The node-version is essentially the raw source of the module.

A version of the module that runs as a standalone js file that can

be invoked from a <script> tag

This is compiled from the source code using webpack

A version of the module that can be compiled into a runnable web bundle

This is compiled from the source code using webpack

A suite of tests that can be run in node

A suite of tests that can be run in the browser