
Some python scripts I implemented when working on the CORAA dataset, created to assist the training of portuguese automatic speech recognition tools. My job was to pre-process audio and transcription so it could later be validated manually by hired students.

Primary LanguagePython


These are some of the scripts I implemented when working on my 2nd scientific initiation, in which I contributed to the creation of the CORAA dataset, created to assist the training of portuguese automatic speech recognition tools. Avalible at: https://github.com/nilc-nlp/CORAA

In general, my job was to pre-process audio and transcription so it could later be validated manually by hired students. I was also charged with generating many kinds of metrics and informations about the audios and transcriptions collected.


One of the sub-dataset that compose the CORAA dataset is the ALIP dataset (https://revistas.gel.org.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/2430/1797). This dataset had 78 hours of transcripted recordings, but the trascriptions had no synchronization maps. Therefore it was decided to use a forced alignment software to automatically generate such maps. Such tools require as transcription input plain text files, containing only the transcription texts, with indication of each text fragment that must be aligned. How ever, ALIP's transcriptions could only be found in a raw pdf format, not segmented and full of extra notations about the recordings themselves. Hence, this script had the purpose of treating these raw pdf transcriptions and generating plain text files that could be used as input for the forced alignment tool


One way to evaluate the quality of the CORAA's dataset was to calculate the fleiss kappa value (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleiss%27_kappa) among the hired students. This is my own implementation of said algorithm. In this implementation, I try to give error messages a a little more intuitive compared to the available python libraries. The results, when not identical, differ by an order of 10^(-18)


After the final versions of the dataset started to be exported, I was task with the creation of a script that would calculate some useful metrics, such as the general fleiss kappa value, WER (Word Error Rate) value and levenshtein similarity value.


Quite oftenly I would be asked to generate a plot showing the distribution of the durations of the audios of the CORAA dataset, a subset of it, or one of its sub-datasets.


Same as above, but regarding the number of words of the transcriptions of the CORAA dataset