🧩 YMGK Number Puzzle 🧮

🚀 About 🎯
This project was made within the scope of the university. It is made to develop children's math intelligence by playing games.
Download APK for Android
To test the application, click the here and download the apk.
Number Puzzle Movie

🚀 Technologies

The following tools were used in this project:

✅ Requirements

Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git and Flutter installed.

# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/ferhatiltas/Number-Puzzle-Flutter.git

# Access
$ cd Number-Puzzle-Flutter

# Pull dependencies
$ flutter pub get

# Run the project (emulator or physical device needs to be connected first)
$ flutter run

# Build an apk
$ flutter build apk --split-per-abi