汉化版PhilzTouch 添加MT6592支持
Home page 手机之家首发 酷派大神F2(8675) Philz Touch Recovery 6.56.2 全触控 汉化版 http://lt.imobile.com.cn/thread-10614983-1-1.html
参考 https://github.com/X-s/android_bootable_recovery 感谢@X-s大神的MTK备份信息 感谢@xiaolu大神的字库文件 感谢@cyanogenmod的核心源码 感谢@philz-cwm6的philztouch源码
如要MTK支持: Boardconfig.mk加入 BOARD_RECOVERY_MTK := true
Clone philz recovery to bootable/recovery-philz folder
git clone https://github.com/Mr-zeng/Philz_Touch_Recovery_CN bootable/recovery-philz -b cm-11.0
If you haven't build recovery ever before, please look up the thread linked above. If you regularly build ROMs/Recoveries for your device, and have a working CWM setup on your build machine, then you can quickly set up and build Philz Touch recovery as well
Check these two patches are present in your build/ directory
- https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_build/commit/c1b0bb6
- https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_build/commit/6b21727
Clone philz recovery to bootable/recovery-philz folder
git clone https://github.com/PhilZ-cwm6/philz_touch_cwm6 bootable/recovery-philz -b cm-11.0
Now build with RECOVERY_VARIANT flag set to philz.
. build/envsetup.sh && lunch && make -j8 recoveryimage RECOVERY_VARIANT=philz
. build/envsetup.sh && lunch && make -j8 recoveryimage