
Lightweight object-oriented PHP (JSON) client for the Shopify API

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Lightweight multi-paradigm PHP (JSON) client for the Shopify API.


Getting Started

Basic needs for authorization and redirecting


	require 'shopify.php';
	if (isset($_GET['code'])) { // if the code param has been sent to this page... we are in Step 2
		// Step 2: do a form POST to get the access token
		$shopifyClient = new ShopifyClient($_GET['shop'], "", SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_SECRET);
		// Now, request the token and store it in your session.
		$_SESSION['token'] = $shopifyClient->getAccessToken($_GET['code']);
		if ($_SESSION['token'] != '')
			$_SESSION['shop'] = $_GET['shop'];
		header("Location: index.php");
	// if they posted the form with the shop name
	else if (isset($_POST['shop']) || isset($_GET['shop'])) {
		// Step 1: get the shopname from the user and redirect the user to the
		// shopify authorization page where they can choose to authorize this app
		$shop = isset($_POST['shop']) ? $_POST['shop'] : $_GET['shop'];
		$shopifyClient = new ShopifyClient($shop, "", SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_SECRET);
		// get the URL to the current page
		$pageURL = 'http';
		if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $pageURL .= "s"; }
		$pageURL .= "://";
		if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
		} else {
		// redirect to authorize url
		header("Location: " . $shopifyClient->getAuthorizeUrl(SHOPIFY_SCOPE, $pageURL));
	// first time to the page, show the form below
	<p>Install this app in a shop to get access to its private admin data.</p> 
	<p style="padding-bottom: 1em;">
		<span class="hint">Don&rsquo;t have a shop to install your app in handy? <a href="https://app.shopify.com/services/partners/api_clients/test_shops">Create a test shop.</a></span>
	<form action="" method="post">
	  <label for='shop'><strong>The URL of the Shop</strong> 
	    <span class="hint">(enter it exactly like this: myshop.myshopify.com)</span> 
	    <input id="shop" name="shop" size="45" type="text" value="" /> 
	    <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Install" /> 

Once you have authorized and stored the token in the session, you can make API calls

Making API calls:


	require 'shopify.php';

	$sc = new ShopifyClient($_SESSION['shop'], $_SESSION['token'], $api_key, $secret);

		// Get all products
		$products = $sc->call('GET', '/admin/products.json', array('published_status'=>'published'));

		// Create a new recurring charge
		$charge = array
				"name"=>"Super Duper Plan",

			$recurring_application_charge = $sc->call('POST', '/admin/recurring_application_charges.json', $charge);

			// API call limit helpers
			echo $sc->callsMade(); // 2
			echo $sc->callsLeft(); // 498
			echo $sc->callLimit(); // 500

		catch (ShopifyApiException $e)
			// If you're here, either HTTP status code was >= 400 or response contained the key 'errors'

	catch (ShopifyApiException $e)
		 $e->getMethod() -> http method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
		 $e->getPath() -> path of failing request
		 $e->getResponseHeaders() -> actually response headers from failing request
		 $e->getResponse() -> curl response object
		 $e->getParams() -> optional data that may have been passed that caused the failure

	catch (ShopifyCurlException $e)
		// $e->getMessage() returns value of curl_errno() and $e->getCode() returns value of curl_ error()