
Proyecto para el curso de Desarrollo Web

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Asgard Esculturas web site


Table of Contents


This is my first web project, builded to learn the very basics of Web Development. The goal of this project is to make my first steps into the world of programation. My final goal is to become a Full Stack Developer 👩🏻‍💻, so this is only the begining of my journey!

About Asgard

Asgard Esculturas is an uruguayan metalurgic business, founded by Guillermo Laguna, specialized in the creation of iron sculptures. It's mission is to create stunning pieces of art that will last forever and will make any ambient unique!

Live site here ny

Builded with

Another tools used

vsc git ps ai fg

What I learned

As this is my first time writing code, I had to learn all the basics of HTML, CSS and JS. I started learning HTML5 and building the structure of my site, then I continued with CSS. I leaned a lot about flexbox, grid, responsiveness, animations (the funniest part of CSS), and many other things. I enjoy writing CSS, and now even more since I started using Sass. I also tried Bootstrap. About JavaScript, I've just begun practising, that's why the site isn't very interactive yet. I used JS to make some animations trigger when the elements are scrolled to the window. Also, I've implemented some librarys to make the masonry layout for the gallery.


Created by Fernanda Laguna Hermida.

in ig fb

Thank you for reading. <3