
📖 Apirus - Doc Generator

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Apirus - Doc Generator


PHP application to create beautiful rest API documentation using markdown. Inspired by readme.com.


To install, run the command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist vaneves/apirus

After downloading, go to the application directory and copy the .env.example file as .env.

cp .env.example .env


To compile the HTML output, just run the following command:

php apirus

.env Configuration

You can configure settings to compile the API, to do so just edit the .env file and change the value of the variables.


Variable Description Default
API_URL Base URL of requests
SOURCE Path the markdown files ./docs
DIST Destination folder ./public
THEME Theme name ./themes/default
HIGHTLIGHT Highlight style dark

The API_URL variable is used to not repeat the complete URL of the request in all markdown files. You can use it {{API_URL}}, for example:

url: "`{{API_URL}}/api/items"

curl --location --request GET '`{{API_URL}}/api/items' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

Optional Arguments

You can enter arguments for changing the build. The accepted arguments are:

Argument Short Description Default
help Prints a usage statement
watch Watching files changes
src s Path the markdown files SOURCE
dist d Destination folder DIST
theme t Theme name THEME
highlight h Highlight style HIGHTLIGHT


php apirus --src my-docs --theme mytheme -h monokai

If an argument is defined when compiling, it will overwrite the values defined in .env.

Watching Files

In development environment you can use the --watch argument so that Apirus can see the directory where the markdown files are, as soon as there is a change (create, change or delete), it will automatically rebuild. For example:

php apirus --watch

You can pass other arguments as usual, for example:

php apirus --src ../my-docs --theme ../mytheme --watch

Creating Documentation

By default, the directory where the markdown files are located is in docs. But you can change. Within that directory you must create other directories, where each one will correspond to an item in the menu, for example:

├── 00 - Getting started
|   ├── 00 - Description.md
|   └── 01 - Another section.md
└── 01 - Account
    ├── 00 - Auth.md
    ├── 01 - Register.md
    └── 02 - Recover password.md

The directory name will be used for the menu section title. But the numbering will be removed, as it is only used for ordering. For example 00 - Getting started will generate the title Getting started.

In the directories you will create a file for each section. The file name is ignored if it has the title meta inside it. But if you don't have the title meta, the file name will be used in the menu. For example, 01 - Another section.md will have the item in the Another section menu.


"Meta" are used to build a section of your documentation. It is optional to inform the meta, but if defined, it must be of the following structure:

title: Get example
method: GET
url: "http://example.com/api/items"

As I said, all are optional. If you leave the title blank, the file name without the format and initial numbering (used for sorting) will be used. If you leave the method or url blank, this information will not be rendered.

The "meta" must be entered at the beginning of the file.


You can define several examples of requests, in several languages. It is somewhat similar to the code block, but we use the word request and in front of it the name of the language. For example:

curl --location --request GET 'http://example.com/api/items' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
import requests
url = "http://example.com/api/items"
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)

Each language block will be a tab with an example request on the interface. You can place a request block anywhere in the file.


You can define examples of request responses. It is similar to a block of code, but this time you enter the HTTP code of the response. For example:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "example 1"
}, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "example 2"
}, {
    "id": 3,
    "name": "example 3"
	"error": "Invalid token"

Each block will be a tab with a response example. You can place a response block anywhere in the file.


Any information other than the meta, requisition block or return block, will be part of the section description. You can use any markdown markup as per the Parsedown library.