
Output css or other bundles based on the browserify dependency graph.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Output css or other bundles based on the browserify dependency graph.

  • Use npm packages for interface components with styles and templates.
  • Efficiently transform scss / less to css, coffee to JavaScript, etc. using streams.
  • Rebuild bundles automatically with watch mode.
  • Leverage a robust API to create larger build tools like cartero.

Many thanks to James Halliday for his help and guidance in bringing this project into reality.

build status

How dat work?

├── node_modules
│   └── my-module
│       ├── index.js
│       ├── myModule.css
│       └── package.json
└── main.js

In my-module's package.json, the module's style assets just need to be enumerated (glob notation):

  "name" : "my-module",
  "version": "1.5.0",
  "style" : "*.css"

In main.js, everything looks the same:

myModule = require( 'my-module' );

console.log( 'hello world' );

After parcelify is run from the command line,

$ parcelify main.js -c bundle.css

Now bundle.css has all the css in the modules on which main.js depends (in this case myModule.css).


$ npm install -g parcelify

Command line options

--cssBundle, -c   Path of a destination css bundle.

--jsBundle, -j    Path of the JavaScript bundle (i.e. browserify's output).

--watch, -w       Watch mode - automatically rebuild bundles as appropriate for changes.

--maps, -m        Enable JavaScript source maps in js bundles (for dev mode).

--transform, -t   Name or path of an application transform. (See discussion of application transforms.)

--transformDir    Path of an application transform directory. (See discussion of application transforms.)

--loglevel        Set the verbosity of npmlog, eg. "silent", "error", "warn", "info", "verbose"

--help, -h        Show this message


Local (package specific) transforms

The safest and most portable way to apply transforms like sass -> css or coffee -> js is using the transforms key in a package's package.json. The key should be an array of names or file paths of transform modules. For example,

  "name": "my-module",
  "description": "Example module.",
  "version": "1.5.0",
  "style" : "*.scss",
  "transforms" : [ "sass-css-stream" ],
  "dependencies" : {
    "sass-css-stream": "~0.0.1"

All transform modules are called on all assets plus JavaScript files. It is up to the transform module to determine whether or not it should apply itself to a file (usually based on the file extension).

Application level transforms

You can apply transforms to all packages within an entire branch of the directory tree (e.g. your entire app directory) using the appTransforms and appTransformDirs options or their corresponding command line arguments. Packages inside a node_modules folder located inside one of the supplied directories are not effected.

$ parcelify main.js -c bundle.css -t "sass-css-stream" -transformDir "."


p = parcelify( mainPath, [options] )

mainPath is the path of the JavaScript entry point file. Options may contain:

  • bundles - A hash that maps asset types to bundle paths. You will generally just want an entry for a script bundle (which is special cased for the browserify bundle) and a style bundle, but arbitrary asset types are supported. Default:
bundles : {
  script : 'bundle.js',  // send browserify output here (special cased)
  style : 'bundle.css'   // bundle `style` assets and output here
  • appTransforms (default: undefined) - An array of transform modules names / paths or functions to be applied to all packages in directories in the appTransformDirs array.
  • appTransformDirs (default: undefined) - appTransforms are applied to any packages that are within one of the directories in this array. (The recursive search is stopped on node_module directories.)
  • packageTransform (default: undefined) - A function that transforms package.json files before they are used. The function should be of the signature function( pkgJson, path ) and return the parsed, transformed package object. This feature can be used to add default values to package.json files or alter the package.json of third party modules without modifying them directly.
  • browserifyInstance (default: undefined) - Use your own instance of browserify / watchify.
  • browserifyBundleOptions (default: {}) - Passed through directly to browserify.bundle().
  • logLevel : set the npmlog logging level.
  • watch : Watch mode - automatically rebuild bundles as appropriate for changes.

A parcelify object is returned, which is an event emitter.

p.on( 'done', function(){} );

Called when all bundles have been output.

p.on( 'error', function( err ){} );

Called when an error occurs.

p.on( 'packageCreated', function( package, isMain ){} );

Called when a new package is created. package is a package object as defined in lib/package.js. isMain is true iff the package corresponds to the entry point mainPath.

p.on( 'assetUpdated', function( eventType, asset ){} );

Called when a style asset is updated in watch mode. eventType is 'added', 'changed', or 'deleted', and asset is an asset object as defined in lib/asset.js.

p.on( 'browserifyInstanceCreated', function( browserifyInstance, entryPoint ){} );

Called when a browserify / watchify instance is created, entryPoint is the absolute path for the js file that serves as entry point for that parcel.

Client side templates and other assets

Parcelify actually supports concatenation / enumeration of arbitrary asset types. Just add a bundle for an asset type in the bundles option and use the same key to enumerate assets of that type in package.json.

A tempting use case for this feature is client side templates - just include a template key in package.json and a corresponding entry in the bundles option, and you have a bundle of client side templates. However, if you plan to share your packages we recommend against this practice as it makes your packages difficult to consume. Instead we recommend using a browserify transform like nunjucksify or node-hbsfy to precompile templates and require them explicitly from your JavaScript files.

For the case of assets like images, that do not need to be concatenated, you can specify a null path for the bundle. Parcelify will collect all assets of that type but not concatenate them. You can then process the individual assets further using the event callbacks. See cartero for an example of how to further process individual assets.

