
Workshop to create his own CV with a small JamStack. The goal is to share Knowledge about it. For this workshop we based our project on the static site generator Nuxt.js.

Primary LanguageVue

Create your own CV with Nuxt.js

The goal of this repository is to share knowledge about creating a JamStack.

  1. Prerequisite
  2. Create the app


To enjoy the workshop, you have to install some tools before.

  • node - at least v10.13. We recommend you have the latest LTS version installed.
  • A text editor, we recommend VS Code with the Vetur extension or WebStorm.
  • A terminal, we recommend using VS Code's integrated terminal or WebStorm terminal.

Create the app

Run npx create-nuxt-app <project-name> in the directory you want.

For this tutorial select this options :

  • Project name : <project-name>
  • Programming language : Typescript
  • Package Manager : Npm
  • UI framework : Tailwind CSS
  • Nuxt.js modules : Content
  • Linting tools : ESLint
  • Testing framework : None
  • Rendering mode : Universal (SSR / SSG)
  • Deployment target : Static (Static/JAMStack hosting)
  • Development tools : None
  • Continuous integration : None
  • Version control system : None or Git as you want

Your project is created, now you can run cd <project-name> and npm run dev.

You should see at a moment Listening on: http://localhost:3000 or with an other port in your terminal. You can go to this url and there is your website in development.