This is an SDK for creating Spin apps using Python.
Note that this SDK supersedes an earlier, experimental version, which may be found in the old-sdk branch.
- Python 3.10 or later and pip
- componentize-py
- spin-sdk
- Spin 2.2 or later.
- MyPy -- This is optional, but useful for during development.
Once you have Python and pip installed, you can use the latter to create and enter a virtual environment and then install the desired packages
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install componentize-py==0.13.3 spin-sdk==3.2.1 mypy==1.8.0
A minimal app requires two files: a spin.toml
and a Python script, which we'll
cat >spin.toml <<EOF
spin_manifest_version = 2
name = "hello"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Dev Eloper <>"]
route = "/..."
component = "hello"
source = "app.wasm"
command = "componentize-py -w spin-http componentize app -o app.wasm"
cat > <<EOF
from spin_sdk import http
from spin_sdk.http import Request, Response
class IncomingHandler(http.IncomingHandler):
def handle_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
return Response(
{"content-type": "text/plain"},
bytes("Hello from Python!", "utf-8")
Once you've created those files, you can check, build, and run your app:
python -m mypy
spin build -u
Finally, you can test your app using e.g. curl
in another terminal:
curl -i
If all goes well, you should see something like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 18
date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 17:42:31 GMT
Hello from Python!
Please file an issue if you have any trouble.
See the examples directory in the repository for more examples.