The idea of this project comes form the js-course, but over there the teacher decided to create a Students API, while I prefered to keep the Contacts Agenda context based on the previous full stack agenda-nodejs project. The main difference here was the introduction of:

  1. Multer for handling with images uploads;
  2. Sequelize for handling with relational database operations (the course uses MariaDB, but I choose to work with PostgreSQL);
  3. JSON Web Token for managing access to protected routes of the api;
  4. Usage of tools for creating and organizing the http requests for testing the api (the courses uses Insomnia, but I choose to work with Postman);

As said, based on the previous project and in the course, I made some improvements like:

  1. Phone Number validation using the google-libphonenumber;
  2. Models logic:
    1. Each User has his unique contact list and cannot access or modify other users lists;
    2. Creating a restriction that only allows a User to delete his account after removing all of his contacts;
    3. Users can upload photos (like having a gallery) and after it they can associate one photo for profile picture of himself or his contacts;
  3. Add Photo routes:
    1. Index: the User can view all of his photos;
    2. Show: the User can view one of his photos based on ID;
    3. Delete: the User can delete one of his photos based on ID (I used the fs-extra).