
React/Redux project for the Udacity React Nanodegree program

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Have a question or suggestion? Contact me on Linkedin, or open a pull request on this project.

Programming assignment for the Udacity React Nanodegree program.


Code Climate Issue Count

For the Readable project, you will build a content and comment web app. Users will be able to post content to predefined categories, comment on their posts and other users' posts, and vote on posts and comments. Users will also be able to edit and delete posts and comments.

Built with React, Redux and React Router. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. You can find more information on how to perform common tasks here. For this assignment there was no starter template provided (apart from the simple backend API).

Hosted on: https://reactnd-readable-fernandobrito.herokuapp.com. Due to Heroku's limitation on their free account, it may take a few extra seconds before the first request is served.

Limitations and things that are missing

The assignment did not specify any use of authentication. From the API provided, each user has access to its own set of posts and comments, and can modify or delete any entry.

The focus of the assignment was on functionality, rather than styling, so I did not spend so much time building the UI (no animations, few loading messages, etc). Also, this project has no automated tests.

Lastly, as this was a Redux assignment, it was required that all state lives inside Redux, even if it would make more sense to store it locally on a component.


The idea of Smart and Dumb components was used as much as possible.


This applications consumes data from an API designed by Udacity specifically for the assignment, which can be found on Udacity's GitHub. A copy of their repository is present here (on server/ folder) so both could be deployed together.


Install all necessary modules to run the current project.

$ git clone https://github.com/fernandobrito/reactnd-project-readable
$ cd reactnd-project-readable/
$ npm install
$ cd server/
$ npm install


First, start the API backend. It will be served on http://localhost:5001/api/:

$ cd reactnd-project-readable/server/
$ npm start

Then, go back to the root of the project and run the development server in another terminal. The app will be served with live reloading on http://localhost:3000.

$ cd reactnd-project-readable/
$ npm start

Note to reviewer: To make deployment easier, I have modified the backend API server so routes live under a api/ namespace. If you use the server inside server/ folder, it should work as expected. In case you want to use the original server, please start the front-end server passing the API URL as a variable (like below) or update .env.development with the correct API URL.

$ REACT_APP_API_SERVER=http://localhost:3000 npm start


Build the app for production to the build folder.

$ cd reactnd-project-readable/
$ npm run build


Run lint tools.

$ cd reactnd-project-readable/
$ npm run eslint


Copy build folder inside server/ folder and deploy it to Heroku, assuming Heroku remote was added on the local repository as heroku.

$ rm -rf server/react_build
$ npm run build
$ mv build server/react_build
$ git push heroku `git subtree split --prefix server master`:master --force


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch with specs (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



This project is licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file.