
jQuery extension to label form items

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

labelMe is a jQuery extension to place field labels inside the elements (except checkbox and radio buttons, that can be placed after or before the element).

How does it works?

It simply add the text that's defined in an attribute at the element. There's some options to add/remove class to the labeled element, add line break after, change the position of radio/checkbox labels (before and after) and clean the label (if field is not set) value when submit the form.


There are some configuratioin options:

  • labelAttr - The attribute containing the label (default: rel).
  • blurClass - The class placed in element when the element lose focus (default: label_blur).
  • labelClass - Label class for labels created for checkboxes and radio buttons (default: label).
  • addLineBreak - Boolean value, true if you want a line break tag after the elements (default: false).
  • labelBefore - Boolean value, true if you want to add the label before checkbox or radio button (default: false).
  • cleanOnFormSubmit - Boolean value, true if you want to clean the default label value (default: true).


Using default configuration:


Using custom configuration:

$('.label').labelMe({ 'labelAttr': 'rel', 'labelBefore': true });

Custom blur class:

In css file:

.custom_blur { font-weight: bold; color:red; }

In js file:

$('.label').labelMe({ 'blurClass': 'custom_blur' });