
A template for Symfony2 on Jenkins. Based on Sebastian Bergmann's template

Symfony2 Jenkins Template

Based on Sebastian Bergmann's template: http://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-jenkins-template


Follow the installation steps from Jenkins PHP for installing needed deendencies (ignore the xml files from there) and follow with these particular steps:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone git@github.com:xurumelous/symfony2-jenkins-template

  2. Move the jenkins folder to [SYMFONY2_ROOT]/app/Resources/ inside your Symfony2 project.

  3. Move build.xml to the root folder of your Symfony2 application.

  4. Move phpunit.xml to [SYMFONY2_ROOT]/app folder or update the existing one. The logging node is needed!

  5. Add the symfony2-coding-standards in your phpcs naming it as Symfony2 or edit the phpcs target on build.xml with the right parameters for your envirement.

You can customize the configuration as you want, this works fine with me :)