Xello Tooltip Assignment

Annotated Requirements


  1. Create a single page Angular 4+ app with simple routing that has one state/view.
    • Project was generated with latest Angular CLI, using Angular 5 and Sass by default.
  2. In it, place two buttons that when clicked; show a tooltip above the button with some text in it.
    • Using NgbTooltip from ng-bootstrap.
  3. When button A is clicked, if button B’s tooltip is open it should close and vice versa. Only one tooltip should be visible at a time.
    • Initially implemented using triggers directly at <button>.
    • Created TooltipManagerDirective to handle special logic.
  4. Either tooltip should close when clicked anywhere outside of it, but remain open if clicked inside.
    • Implemented on document:click in TooltipManagerDirective.
    • NOTE: Some hard thought was put on this.
      • I've deliberately implemented the following: when clicking outside the tooltip, it will be closed, even if the click occurs in the corresponding button again.
      • The initial implementation, which keeps the tooltip opened when the click occurs outside but inside the corresponding button, can be explored in tag v0.1 commit [182326a].
  5. Either tooltip should close when ESC key is pressed.
    • Implemented via document:keydown in TooltipManagerDirective.


  1. Tooltip functionality should be written as a reusable component.
    • Implemented TooltipManagerDirective.
    • While in my understanding the above is already a non-trivial interpretation or the requirement, I've wrapped all that logic into a ManagedTooltipButton componet.
  2. You are encouraged to use a starter/seed project to save time scaffolding
    • Latest Angular CLI was used.
  3. You can organize the files/folders in any way.
    • Used default conventions.
  4. The reviewer should be able to run your solution with a simple npm command
    • Once npm packages are installed, you can just run npm start or yarn start or ng serve.
  5. You should submit your solution as a github repository link
    • Right here!


  • If you scroll down to an open tooltip it should detect being at the edge of the screen and change position to be below the button +++
    • Attempted to achive this by handling document:scroll in TooltipManagerDirective and checking for tooltip viewport overflow due to scrolling.
  • Style using Bootstrap sass ++
    • Project was bootstrapped with Angular CLI to use Sass from the beginning:
    ng new xello-tooltip-assigment --style=scss --skip-tests
    • Latest ng-bootstrap version 1.0.0-beta.7 and Bootstrap version 4.0.0-beta.2 were immediately installed.
    • .angular-cli.json was updated accordingly.
  • Add at least one accessibility feature +
    • ... 😟

Further Notes


  • Development was done in dev branch.
  • Yarn package manager was used for convenience. There should be no issue if npm is used (I tested this).