Typescript api liven

NodeJs REST API with typescript

How to execute

0 - Prerequisites

Before executing the application, make sure that you have the following prerequesites:

  • NodeJs
  • Yarn
  • Docker

1 - Configure environment variables

The following variables are REQUIRED to work.

SECRET=SECRET //jwt secret
PORT=PORT //default port is 3000

2 - Start the application

There's two ways to start the application, with or without docker.

2.1 - With Docker

In your project base directory,run the command:

  docker-compose up

2.2 - Without Docker

In your project base directory, install all dependencies with the command:


Then, simply execute the following command to start the application:

  yarn start

3 - Documentation

You can check and test the routes in the /docs route in your api, you can test online in this link : https://ts-api-test-1235.herokuapp.com/docs/


  • Fernando Luiz de Carvalho Barbosa