
Form builder integrated with Camunda

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This tool uses AlpacaJS to build functional prototypes and integrate them with Camunda.

CAMUNDA_TOMCAT = \camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.4.0\server\apache-tomcat-8.0.24\

Language Setting Portuguese (to keep English, skip this step)

The Camunda platform is available in the Portuguese language (pt_BR), but must be configured to include the language. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the pt_BR.json language file to the language folder.

    • pt_BR.json: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-tasklist-translations/tree/master/locales
    • Pasta de idiomas: CAMUNDA_TOMCAT\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\locales\
  2. Include in config file (CAMUNDA_TOMCAT\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\scripts\config.js) this code:

"locales": {
  "availableLocales": ["pt_BR","en"],
  "fallbackLocale": "pt_BR"

Javascript Libraries

Perform the following steps to include the javascript libraries on the platform Camunda.

  1. Copy the following javascript libraries to the scripts folder (CAMUNDA_TOMCAT\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\scripts\). Note: Remove the version of the library name when copying.

  2. Copy the css to the styles folder (camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.4.0\server\apache-tomcat-8.0.24\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\styles\).

  3. Include in config file (CAMUNDA_TOMCAT\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\scripts\config.js) the following code:

   customScripts: {
	 // AngularJS module names
	 ngDeps: ['ui.bootstrap'],
	 // RequireJS configuration for a complete configuration documentation see:
	 // http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config
	 deps: ['handlebars','alpaca','bootstrap','alpaca-camunda'],
	 paths: {
	   // if you have a folder called `custom-ui` (in the `scripts` folder)
	   // with a file called `scripts.js` in it and defining the `custom-ui` AMD module
	   'handlebars': 'custom-ui/handlebars',
	   'alpaca': 'custom-ui/alpaca',
	   'bootstrap': 'custom-ui/bootstrap',
	   'alpaca-camunda': 'custom-ui/alpaca-camunda',
  1. Include in the tasklist (index file) (CAMUNDA_TOMCAT\webapps\camunda\app\tasklist\index.html) the following code (note: include in the region destined to the style guides of the page).
	  <link type="text/css" href="$APP_ROOT/app/tasklist/styles/alpaca.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Form Builder

  1. Download the .zip file (or clone this project).
  2. Open the form-builder.html file in the browser.