
Robocode in an extra-slim container!

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Robocode in an extra-slim container!


  1. To persist data accross multiple sessions, create folders where Robocode can store robot data and configuration files. A good place to pick is $HOME/.robocode (but you can choose somewhere else). First, set the variables below:
$ export $ROBO_BOTS=~/.robocode/robots 
$ export $ROBO_CONF=~/.robocode/config

Then, create the folders:

$ mkdir -p $ROBO_BOTS $ROBO_CONF
  1. Next, run the container passing the chosen volumes:
$ docker run -it --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
    -v $ROBO_BOTS:/robocode/robots/robots \
    -v $ROBO_CONF:/robocode/config \
    -e DISPLAY \

And you're good to go!

Warning: if you run the container before creating the volumes, they will be initialized as root:root, and Docker won't have write access to it!

Sharing data

Note that the robot data volume is mapped in the example above as $ROBO_BOTS:/robocode/robots/robots. This means that if you want to create, save and/or package robots within the container and make them available to the host, they must be stored within the container's /robocode/robots/robots folder.

Likewise, if you want to import robots from the host to the container, make sure to place their .class files under the host's $ROBO_BOTS folder.


Due to the way robots are loaded, if they are saved within the container's /robocode/robots/robots folder, then their package name must be robots. Of course, you can name the folder differently when running the container, e.g:

-v $ROBO_BOTS:/robocode/robots/human

Or, to use a subpackage:

-v $ROBO_BOTS:/robocode/robots/robots/human

The package name would have to be updated to human and robots.human, respectively.

Developing Robots

If you want to use your own IDE to develop robots outside of the container, just make sure that the '.class' files are stored on the host's $ROBO_BOTS folder, and that their package has been set accordingly. See Robocode-maven for an example of this implementation.

Alternatively, it's also possible to use Robocode's internal editor, after launching the container, to develop new Robots.


To build the image yourself, just run:

$ docker build -t fbcbarbosa/robocode .