
An example of how to use my kaniko mTLS pull request.

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains an example of how to use caddy to enforce mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication on a docker registry.

It exists mainly to help me test kaniko's ability to push to mTLS repositories.


You'll need a copy of caddy from https://caddyserver.com/download and openssl.


This repo generates some example certificates for you. These are not to be used in production environments and are only for testing.

Testing Kaniko with mTLS

This process is a bit involved so go ahead and read through all the steps. Someday it might be nice to have these as integration tests.

1. DNS Setup

Kaniko has several short-circuits to not use TLS when a registry on a local network is detected, so we'll need to assign a non-local dns name to our local IP, I chose soapshop.example.com.

With that setup you should be able to perform a quick lookup on your host:

$ nslookup soapshop.example.com

Name: soapshop.example.com

2. Generate some test certificates

First, generate some test certs:

./make_certs.sh soapshop.example.com

3. Start the docker registry

In another terminal, start a docker registry

NOTE: I'm on a Mac, so there's a port conflict with port 5000, so I bound it to 5001

docker run --rm --name registry -it -p 5001:5000 registry:2

Verify the registry is up on, you should see the output of {}

$ curl http://localhost:5001/v2/

4. Start TLS reverse proxy (caddy)

Start caddy using:

REGISTRY=soapshop.example.com REG_INT_PORT=5001 REG_EXT_PORT=9444 caddy run

Now test to make sure we're protected with mTLS

$ curl --cacert ./certs/ca.pem https://soapshop.example.com:9444/v2/
curl: (55) LibreSSL SSL_write: error:02FFF020:system library:func(4095):Broken pipe, errno 32

Excellent, now add client certs for mTLS, we should see the same thing that we did above, just {}

$ curl --cacert ./certs/ca.pem --cert ./certs/client.pem --key ./certs/client.key https://soapshop.example.com:9444/v2/

5. Build/Push the example container

To tie it all together, we can now push the example dockerfile provided with this repo using a copy of kaniko built with mTLS support and our example certs:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/certs:/certs -v $(pwd)/example:/workspace kaniko-debug \
  --destination soapshop.example.com:9444/example/kaniko-example:latest \
  --registry-certificate soapshop.example.com:9444=/certs/ca.pem \
  --registry-client-cert soapshop.example.com:9444=/certs/client.pem,/certs/client.key