
A community-curated list of Android and Java conferences around the world.

Primary LanguageHTML


A community-curated list of Android and Java conferences around the world.

Adding a conference

Send a pull-request which adds a file to the _conferences/ directory with a new file representing the conference. The file should be named with the conference name, the year, and with an .md extension (for example, my-cool-conference-2016.md).

The contents of the file should use the following template:

name: "Droidcon"
website: http://uk.droidcon.com/2015/
location: London, UK

date_start: 2015-10-29
date_end:   2015-10-30

cfp_start: 2015-06-16  # Optional
cfp_end:   2015-07-21  # Optional


All content is CC0.