
A command-line app to identify duplicate files by comparing samples of files. Especially useful for large sets of media files.

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A command-line app to identify duplicate files by comparing samples of files. Especially useful for large sets of media files.

Building and Running

with your golang environment

Assuming you have a working Go v1.14+ setup,

cd $GOPATH/src
git clone https://github.com/feromax/qwkdupefinder
cd qwkdupefinder
go build -o qwkdupefinder cmd/qwkdupefinder.go
./qwkdupefinder -h

don't have golang? if you have docker...

These steps will use a prepacked golang v1.14 container image to build the binary. Assuming you'll want the binary in ~/bin,

  1. Download and start the golang container.
    $ cd
    $ mkdir -p bin
    $ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`/bin:/build golang:1.14.7-alpine
  2. Once the container image has downloaded and started, clone the source code repositoroy and build.
    /go # cd src
    /go/src # apk add --no-cache git
    /go/src # git clone https://github.com/feromax/qwkdupefinder
    /go/src # go build -o /build/qwkdupefinder qwkdupefinder/cmd/qwkdupefinder.go
    /go/src # exit
  3. Magically, the built artifact (i.e., the binary) will be in ~/bin/. Run via
    ./bin/qwkdupfinder -h

Sample Session

# saves a copy of the output to /tmp/dupes.txt while showing it live in your terminal session
$ ~/bin/qwkdupfinder /mnt/media /mnt/restore /home/admin/go /home/admin/work_files/ | tee /tmp/dupes.txt

DUPLICATES REPORT ON BASIS OF FILESIZE AND SAMPLING CONTENTS -- ✓ indicates verified duplicate (for files <100KB)
MATCH:1  	SIZE:1153525978	"/mnt/media/home-movies/298329884.mov"
MATCH:1  	SIZE:1153525978	"/mnt/restore/0000000238.MOV"

MATCH:2         SIZE:2335727    "/mnt/media/pics/IMAG0107.jpg"
MATCH:2         SIZE:2335727    "/mnt/restore/PIC-00000019238.JPG"

MATCH:3 ✓       SIZE:4764       "/home/admin/work_files/2019/o/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql@v1.5.0/rows.go"
MATCH:3 ✓       SIZE:4764       "/home/admin/go/src/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/rows.go"

To use the output to help you remove duplicates, run this

$ egrep "(^$|^MATCH:)" /tmp/dupes.txt | sed -e 's/^[^"]*//' > /tmp/dupes.raw

and edit /tmp/dupes.raw to REMOVE ALL FILES YOU WANT TO KEEP.

Once you're confident that the only files left are the ones you want to disappear, which may resemble my edits --

# file /tmp/dupes.raw




-- run this and re-read your list of files that are about to go away forever:

$ sed -e 's/^"/rm "/' /tmp/dupes.raw
rm "/mnt/restore/0000000238.MOV"

rm "/mnt/restore/PIC-00000019238.JPG"

rm "/home/admin/work_files/2019/o/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql@v1.5.0/rows.go"

If the above rm commands look good to you, complete the deduplication:

# sed -e 's/^"/rm "/' /tmp/dupes.raw | sh

(remove the comment character to actually perform the deletion.)