
Sample project using NextJS, ReactJS and SemanticUI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fetching data with Material UI & Dynamic Import

This example allow you to fetch data from api get news from techcrunch using api service: https://newsapi.org/.

In this example, I use:

  • Babel config
  • PostCSS config
  • Webpack config: to add plugins allow develop CSS using SCSS
  • Redux
  • Material UI
  • Custom Document
  • Custom Server
  • Next Routes
  • Data fetching
  • Gulp
  • Dynamic import

Basically, Next.JS allow you to use style-jsx package to develop CSS, but in the production mode, html is not minified. I resolved it using gulp allow you to bundle final all scss into css & with postCSS to auto prefix the final css.

You can visit here to know detail about problems that I met during development:


Prefix Domain

go to utils/constants change prefix name whatever you want. In this demo, I choose /news. Then just browse to:


Note: Currently, there is no offical way to configure prefix in next.js. This demo worked well in next.js 3 beta version.



npm i nodemon -g


npm i
npm start


yarn install
yarn start



npm i
npm run production


yarn install
yarn run production


NextJS configure HEAD

Example: Add SemanticUI-React CSS as a Head see https://github.com/feronera/demo-nextjs-react-semanticui/blob/master/pages/_document.js

With Redux


yarn add redux react-redux redux-thunk next-redux-wrapper

Default directory with babel-plugin-root-import

Use "@" as a default directory for easier refer file suh as Example: pages/example.babel-root-import.js

import test as "@/components/test"

Need to comfigure.babelrc and install package babel-plugin-root-import

yarn add babel-plugin-root-import


  "presets": [
  "plugins": [
    ["babel-plugin-root-import", [
        "rootPathPrefix": "@"
