
error -> Recursive functions not yet supported: __umul64-->__umul64

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When using the latest AppImage file, bambu is not able to successfully run when analyzing the following code:

long long func_replace(long long a, long long b) { return a * b; }

I am launching bambu with the following command:

bambu module.c --top-fname=func_replace --device-name=nx1h140tsp --generate-tb=a=4,b=5 --simulate --panda-parameter=function-opt=0 --print-dot

The same example works using the 0.9.8 AppImage file.

Below is the full output of bambu:

==  Bambu executed with: /tmp/.mount_bambuOtu5RX/usr/bin/bambu --top-fname=func_replace --device-name=nx1h140tsp --generate-tb=a=4,b=5 --simulate --panda-parameter=function-opt=0 --print-dot module.c 

                    ____                  _
                   | __ )  __ _ _ __ ___ | |_   _   _
                   |  _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | | |
                   | |_) | (_| | | | | | | |_) | |_| |
                   |____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|

                         High-Level Synthesis Tool

                         Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
                          System Architectures Group
                Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Politecnico di Milano
Version: PandA 0.9.8 - Revision 49f79fbbb85dfe05df3a00f3d0c30d753a7fed52-dev/panda

Target technology = FPGA
error -> Recursive functions not yet supported: __umul64-->__umul64

Please report bugs to <panda-info@polimi.it>

This issue has been solved by the linked pull request