Pinned issues
- 1
[BUG] Language setting always roll back
#330 opened by plum7x - 1
[BUG] Reduce memory consumption
#309 opened by Kheirlb - 0
Upload to Accrescent?
#327 opened by PacoBell - 1
Searching for units
#318 opened by starvingarden - 6
aarch64/arm64 support for Linux
#205 opened by netnut404 - 2
[BUG] Flatpak App Crashes when you type into field -- Wayland -- ProjectBlueFin (Fedora Sliverblue)
#326 opened by p-sims - 4
- 4
- 0
Nix Package
#323 opened by no-ej - 0
- 6
[web] The default language (system) is always english
#320 opened by loviuz - 5
- 1
- 1
[Improvement] Too much white space in UI. Minimize so to allow more units to be displayed
#304 opened by noto10 - 2
- 3
[Feature Request] Multi-platform Container Image
#241 opened by matt-laird - 7
Currency rates do not update on Windows
#300 opened by janneroyibo - 1
Add keyboard shortcuts
#298 opened by todoneunl - 4
No icon after installing in Windows 11
#292 opened by janneroyibo - 1
[Feature request] Hide units
#294 opened by trlef19 - 1
[Bug] Small font size for the "Theme color" string
#290 opened by Vsnmrn - 1
[Feature] Custom themes
#269 opened by realgooseman - 1
[Feature] Adding docker container
#272 opened by loviuz - 2
[Feature] Hide units or properties
#268 opened by realgooseman - 1
Features & Improvements
#265 opened by realgooseman - 0
[Feature] Remember window position on Windows
#267 opened by realgooseman - 0
[new-unit] Teaspoon
#263 opened by Bohman-Timothy - 3
.exe Installer for Windows
#240 opened by xmha97 - 6
- 0
[new-unit] Torque in pound-force inch
#251 opened by adrianinsaval - 1
#239 opened - 6
[BUG] F-Droid can't build
#237 opened by licaon-kter - 1
#236 opened by HarshMakwana27 - 4
- 1
- 0
#232 opened by valuex - 1
kWh to watts?
#231 opened by virtadpt - 1
- 3
[new-unit] Fractions to Decimal Representation
#201 opened by fohfuu - 0
- 1
[BUG] "Tons" vs "Tonnes"
#226 opened by atom-smasher - 1
English misspelling
#222 opened by syu-pf-ssy - 2
[new-unit] Voltage divider
#213 opened by virtadpt - 4
[BUG] Currencies don't update with the latest version
#211 opened by Kreuger - 3
[BUG] Currencies Not Updated On Web
#191 opened by the7thNightmare - 2
- 0
[c] Speed of light!
#207 opened by kevmoo - 7
Bug in Volume and Mass Conversion
#204 opened by AbuBakar988 - 3
Update the website
#203 opened by milotype - 1
[new-unit] Add chilean peso CLP
#197 opened by GuillaumeLeGoc