
Simple Ruby library for using InitialState API

Primary LanguageRuby

InitialState.rb Build status

The gem initialstate is a wrapper library for the public API provided by Initial State. As of now, it only allows for the simplest use cases provided by the API: dumping data in a bucket.


  • Install InitialState.rb: gem install initial_state
  • OR add to your Gemfile: gem 'initial_state', '~> 0.0.2'
  • OR clone this repo and build and install the gem for the latest development version (under your own risk)
    • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/ferrerluis/initial_state.rb.git; cd initial_state.rb
    • Build the gem: gem build initial_state.gemspec
    • Install the gem: gem install ./initial_state-0.0.2.gem


  • Require InitialState.rb (skip if adding to Gemfile in Rails): require 'initial_state'
  • Create an event: event = Event.new('foo', 'bar')
  • Create a bucket: bucket = Bucket.new('my_bucket_key', 'my_access_key')
  • Dump the event into the bucket: bucket.dump(event)
  • PROFIT (jk.)




Event.new key, value, epoch=nil, iso8601=nil


  • key: stream key name
  • value: stream value
  • epoch=nil: in seconds with fractional seconds to right of decimal. Will be used for timestamping if valid. Takes precedence over iso8601.
  • iso8601=nil: ISO-8601 Timestamp. Will be used for timestamping if valid.


  • #push bucket_key, access_key=nil: Pushes the Event into a Bucket. Useful when the Bucket has not been created and this is the only Event that needs to be pushed. access_key is accessed through the environment variable INITIAL_STATE_ACCESS_KEY, so it does not have to be specified.
  • #to_hash: Turns the Event into a Hash that can be easily sent over the wire with any HTTP library in Ruby. By default, InitialState.rb uses HTTParty to send the request when using Event#push or Bucket#dump, so this method should be rarely used.



Bucket.new bucket_key, access_key=nil


  • bucket_key: associates event data
  • access_key=nil: API key to authenticate the user. access_key is accessed through the environment variable INITIAL_STATE_ACCESS_KEY, so it does not have to be specified.


  • #dump *events: Pushes multiple Event objects into the Bucket. Events can be added as separate parameters when calling the function or as one array using the syntax bucket.dump(*events) to expand the array into a list or arguments.
  • #dump *array_of_hashes: The same #dump function allows for hashes to be passed as arguments when creating Event objects is not desirable. e.g. bucket.dump({key: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, {key: 'bar', value: 'foo', iso8601: '20161012T035640Z'})