
Another Rx extension for Firebase methods

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


These are some RxSwift wrappers for Firebase methods. It uses the latest Firebase API.

My initial intention was to create a CocoaPod for this with RxSwift and Firebase as dependencies but I didn't manage to do this. If you want to improve this code and help transition to a proper Pod, good luck using vendored_frameworks when creating the podspec :) Meanwhile just copy-paste or drop the swift file inside your project.

Typical usage

This implementation provides Firebase as a singleton from which you can call particular actions.

1) first add Firebase & RxSwift, and setup Firebase in your project

I for example use the following Pods:

pod 'Firebase'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Database'
pod 'Firebase/Storage'

pod 'RxSwift'
pod 'RxCocoa'

2) subscribe to rx_authStateDidChange in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

	.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] auth, user in
		if let user = user {
			// logged in
		} else {
			// logged out

2) begin using the provided Observables or implement your own ones for your models

* Firebase.instance.rx_authStateDidChange()
* Firebase.instance.rx_signInWithEmail(email: String, password: String)
* Firebase.instance.rx_signInWithCredential(credential: FIRAuthCredential)
* Firebase.instance.rx_sendPasswordResetWithEmail(email: String)
* Firebase.instance.rx_createUser(email: String, password: String)
* Firebase.instance.rx_publish(object: AnyObject, atPath: String)
guard let database = Firebase.instance.database else {
	print("you don't have access to the database :), check your auth")

database.root.child("your_path").rx_setValue(object: AnyObject, autoId: Bool = false)
database.root.child("your_path").rx_observe(eventType: FIRDataEventType = .Value)
database.root.child("your_path").rx_observeSingleEventOfType(eventType: FIRDataEventType = .Value)
guard let storage = Firebase.instance.storage else {
	print("you don't have access to the storage :), check your auth")

storage.root().child("your_path").rx_putJPEG(image: UIImage, compressionQuality: CGFloat = 1)
storage.root().child("your_path").rx_putData(withData withData: Data, metadata: FIRStorageMetadata? = nil)
storage.root().child("your_path").rx_downloadData(maxSize: Int64 = 1024 * 1024)
storage.root().child("your_path").rx_downloadTo(url url: URL)

As usual, if any of you has something to say, please create a new issue and we'll update the code together. Don't forget to have fun! :]

XO, Andrei @popaaaandrei