
Package with integrated CLI to dynamically update your DNS for Cloudflare, Namecheap, Netlify, Vercel, and more.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


API and CLI to dynamically update your DNS for Cloudflare, Namecheap, Netlify, Vercel, and maybe more in the future.


You can install this module globally or in a specific project.

Install globally

# With Yarn
yarn global add @vexcited/dynamic-dns

# With NPM
npm install --global @vexcited/dynamic-dns

Install in a specific project

# With Yarn
yarn add @vexcited/dynamic-dns

# With NPM
npm install --save @vexcited/dynamic-dns



You can get the default help message when executing this command.

$ dynamic-dns help

Execute a command on a provider using the following command.

$ dynamic-dns [provider] [command] [...arguments]

Cron with PM2

Example usage with PM2 to perform a cron task.

# Install PM2 globally.
sudo npm install --global PM2

# Run a new PM2 app with cron task (every 5 minutes).
# This is an example using the Cloudflare provider.
pm2 start npx --cron-restart="*/5 * * * *" --name "example.com-ddns" --no-autorestart -- dynamic-dns cloudflare --token TOKEN_XXXXXXXXXXXX update ZONE_ID_XXXXXXX RECORD_ID_XXXXXXX --cloudflare-proxied 1

# Check if running.
pm2 list

# Look logs.
pm2 logs

Supported providers

You can show the help message for each providers.

  • Cloudflare: $ dynamic-dns cloudflare
  • Namecheap: $ dynamic-dns namecheap
  • Netlify: $ dynamic-dns netlify
  • Vercel: $ dynamic-dns vercel

Their documentation is the help message given on the help command provided on each providers.

This is an example help message.

Help: [provider] Provider - CLI
Usage: dynamic-dns [provider] [command] [--required-example-token XXXXXXXXX]
Informations about the commands:
  * The "--required-example-token" flag is required to authenticate.

  * help => Shows this help message.
  * update [DNS_RECORD_ID] => Update a DNS record.
    - [--ip X.X.X.X] => Optional: DNS record IP. Defaults to your public IPv4.
    - [--dns-type A|AAAA] => Optional: DNS record type. Defaults to A (IPv4). 


dynamic-dns has built-in types so you can also use it with TypeScript.

You can see the API documentation for each providers.