
SMS composer with callbacks for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageJava



Use this RN component to send an SMS with a callback (completed/cancelled/error). iOS and Android are both supported.

Currently, only user-initiated sending of an SMS is supported. This means you can't use react-native-sms to send an SMS in the background -- this package displays the native SMS view (populated with any recipients/body you want), and gives a callback describing the status of the SMS (completed/cancelled/error). PRs are welcome!


A new prop was added to enable direct sending of SMS from Android. see documentation below.

How to install

  1. npm install react-native-sms --save

Getting things set up

The compiler needs to know how to find your sweet new module!

react-native link react-native-sms

Additional Android Setup

Note: If using RN < v0.47, use react-native-sms <= v1.4.2

Just a few quick & easy things you need to set up in order to get SendSMS up and running!

  1. Navigate to your MainActivity.java (MyApp/android/app/src/main/java/some/other/directories/MainActivity.java)

At the top of the file

import android.content.Intent; // <-- include if not already there
import com.tkporter.sendsms.SendSMSPackage;

Inside MainActivity (place entire function if it's not there already)

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
	//probably some other stuff here
	SendSMSPackage.getInstance().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Then head to your [MyApp]Application.java (MyApp/android/app/src/main/java/so/many/dirs/MyAppApplication.java)

Make sure import com.tkporter.sendsms.SendSMSPackage; is there

Then head down to getPackages(), it has to look similar to this

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
	//some variables

	return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
		//probably some items like `new BlahPackage(),`
		//just add into the list (don't forget commas!):

FYI: this permission will automatically be merged into your built AndroidManifest.xml (at MyApp/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />

If direct_send is false or undefined - then ensure your launchMode for MainActivity is


in order for the "back" button to return to your app after the message window is closed.

Using the module

Once everything is all setup, it's pretty simple:

SendSMS.send(myOptionsObject, callback);

Object Properties

body (String, optional)

The text that shows by default when the SMS is initiated

recipients (Array (strings), optional)

Provides the phone number recipients to show by default

successTypes (Array (strings), Andriod only, required)

direct_send (boolean, optional)

If true, the Android app will send the SMS directly (without a native messaging app). It will loop on the recepients and send one by one.

An array of types that would trigger a "completed" response when using android

Possible values:

'all' | 'inbox' | 'sent' | 'draft' | 'outbox' | 'failed' | 'queued'
Key Type Platforms Required? Description
body String iOS/Android No The text that shows by default when the SMS is initiated
recipients Array (strings) iOS/Android No Provides the phone number recipients to show by default
successTypes Array (strings) Android Yes An array of types that would trigger a "completed" response when using android

Possible values:

'all' 'inbox' 'sent' 'draft' 'outbox' 'failed' 'queued'
allowAndroidSendWithoutReadPermission boolean Android No By default, SMS will only be initiated on Android if the user accepts the READ_SMS permission (which is required to provide completion statuses to the callback).

Passing true here will allow the user to send a message even if they decline the READ_SMS permission, and will then provide generic callback values (all false) to your application.
attachment Object { url: string, iosType?: string, iosFilename?: string, androidType?: string } iOS/Android No Pass a url to attach to the MMS message.

Currently known to work with images.


import SendSMS from 'react-native-sms'

//some stuff

someFunction() {
		body: 'The default body of the SMS!',
		recipients: ['0123456789', '9876543210'],
		successTypes: ['sent', 'queued'],
		allowAndroidSendWithoutReadPermission: true
	}, (completed, cancelled, error) => {

		console.log('SMS Callback: completed: ' + completed + ' cancelled: ' + cancelled + 'error: ' + error);


Attachment example

import SendSMS from 'react-native-sms'
import resolveAssetSource from 'react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource'

someFunction() {
	const image = require('assets/your-image.jpg');
	const metadata = resolveAssetSource(image);
	const url = metadata.uri;

	const attachment = {
		url: url,
		iosType: 'public.jpeg',
		iosFilename: 'Image.jpeg',
		androidType: 'image/*'

		body: 'The default body of the SMS!',
		recipients: ['0123456789', '9876543210'],
		successTypes: ['sent', 'queued'],
		allowAndroidSendWithoutReadPermission: true,
		attachment: attachment
	}, (completed, cancelled, error) => {

		console.log('SMS Callback: completed: ' + completed + ' cancelled: ' + cancelled + 'error: ' + error);



Having errors with import statements on Android? Something happened with linking

Go to your settings.gradle (in MyApp/android/settings.gradle) and add:

include ':react-native-sms'
project(':react-native-sms').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-sms/android')

Then go to MyApp/android/app/build.gradle and add inside dependencies { }:

compile project(':react-native-sms')