Marinade Crank

Stakes to a validator of your choosing. The validator needs to be eligible stake in order for this to run successfully.

This is an unofficial tool, not written or maintained by Marinade. It is provided as is as an open source tool.

This was originally made as a script. It is being OSS'd to help other validators.


cargo build


This tool can be run with any keypair so long as it is funded with a sufficient amount of SOL. There is no need to run this with your validator identity.

It is recommended to simulate first. This is because stakeReserve can only be called at a specific slot. By simulating, the output will either show:

  1. Which slot you can run this program
./target/debug/marinade-crank --vote-account H4QVPxS7napq3NEYxqLhxbKi9nJ8s56dD2EQZGsyZ3sb --simulate --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR_FILE> --cluster
Attempting to stake H4QVPxS7napq3NEYxqLhxbKi9nJ8s56dD2EQZGsyZ3sb with 2379 SOL
Simulation result: Ok(Response { context: RpcResponseContext { slot: 265745295, api_version: Some(RpcApiVersion(Version { major: 1, minor: 17, patch: 28 })) }, value: RpcSimulateTransactionResult { err: Some(InstructionError(2, Custom(6042))), logs: Some(["Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]", "Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 success", "Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]", "Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 success", "Program MarBmsSgKXdrN1egZf5sqe1TMai9K1rChYNDJgjq7aD invoke [1]", "Program log: Instruction: StakeReserve", "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [2]", "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success", "Program consumption: 77570 units remaining", "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/marinade-finance/src/instructions/crank/ Error Code: TooEarlyForStakeDelta. Error Number: 6042. Error Message: Too early for stake delta.", "Program log: Left: 265745298", "Program log: Right: 266093999", "Program MarBmsSgKXdrN1egZf5sqe1TMai9K1rChYNDJgjq7aD consumed 31901 of 99700 compute units", "Program MarBmsSgKXdrN1egZf5sqe1TMai9K1rChYNDJgjq7aD failed: custom program error: 0x179a"]), accounts: None, units_consumed: Some(300), return_data: None } })
  1. That the validator has already reached the stake target
./target/debug/marinade-crank --vote-account EdGevanAjM8a6Gg9KxBVrmVdZAUGAZ9xaVd7t9R4H2x --simulate --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR_FILE> --cluster
Validator EdGevanAjM8a6Gg9KxBVrmVdZAUGAZ9xaVd7t9R4H2x already reached stake target. Active balance: 21482, stake_target: 20313

If a validator is eligble for stake as shown in #1, read the output where it says Too early for stake. In that log, you will see a value for Left and Right. The value for Left is the current slot in the epoch. The value of Right is the slot when you can call the stakeReserve instruction. If you try to call the instruction before the right slot, it will fail.

Then simply run the program but omit --simulate.

Priority fees

To run with a priority fee set, you can set --with-compute-unit-price.