
Find Solana NFT floor and avg prices and publish them to a pyth oracle

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ETL to update a pyth oracle with floor and avg price for a given NFT collection


  1. Create NFT Collection Product Account in the modified version of the pyth oracle (https://github.com/ferric-sol/pyth-client)
  2. Create two Price Accounts one with price_type 'floor_price' and one with price_type 'avg_price' for this new Product Account
  3. Update product account id in solsearcher.js
  4. Update the collection names in solsearcher.js
  5. Run with node solsearcher.js and it should send the floor and average price for this NFT collection to the pythd running on localhost


  1. Run through every collection on every exchange and automatically create a product account id in pythd
  2. Create a mapping from marketplace collection name -> pyth product account id (different marketplaces name collections differently) -> solana address