
NO LONGER IN DEVELOPMENT - A toolchain to download and analyze Pudge replays from Steam

Primary LanguageScala


(Deprecated) - Unfortunately, there are just too many games being played to make this application feasible. At one point, even with extremely strict filters, I was downloading gigabytes worth of data each day. Also, this application technically break's the EULA for Steam. I mostly put the source code up for posterity, so enjoy!


  • libsteam - Partial SteamKit2 port in Scala, and partial Steam / Dota 2 Web API wrapper
  • pudgestats-core - Utilities, traits, etc. shared among all pudgestats projects
  • pudgestats-web - pudgestats website -- written using Scalatra
  • replay-parser - pudgestats parser process. Uses skadistats for parsing
  • replay-fetcher - pudgestats replay fetcher. Depends on libsteam. Highly configurable (potentially usable outside of pudgestats).


Setup should be pretty straight forward. Use sbt to build and install dependencies.

pudgestats-web, replay-parser, replay-fetcher communicate across rabbitmq.

pudgestats-web DB is backed by postgresql.