
Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository has been merged into hickory-dns and this copy won't receive further updates


This repository contains two packages:

  • dns-test. This is a test framework (library) for testing DNS implementations.
  • conformance-tests. This is a collection of DNS, mainly DNSSEC, tests.


To use the code in this repository you need:

  • a stable Rust toolchain to build the code
  • a working Docker setup that can run Linux containers -- the host OS does not need to be Linux


This test framework was built with the following design goals and constraints in mind:

  • Tests must work without access to the internet. That is, tests cannot rely on external services like,, a.root-servers.net., etc. To this effect, each test runs into its own ephemeral network isolated from the internet and from the networks of other tests running concurrently.

  • Test code must be decoupled from the API of any DNS implementation. That is, DNS implementation specific details (library/FFI calls, configuration files) must not appear in test code. To this end, interaction with DNS implementations is done at the network level using tools like dig, delv and tshark.

  • It must be possible to switch the 'implementation under test' at runtime. In other words, one should not need to recompile the tests to switch the DNS implementation being tested. To this end, the DNS_TEST_SUBJECT environment variable is used to switch the DNS implementation that'll be tested.

Test drive

To start a small DNS network using the dns-test framework run this command and follow the instructions to interact with the DNS network.

$ cargo run --example explore

By default, this will use unbound as the resolver. You can switch the resolver to hickory-dns using the DNS_TEST_SUBJECT environment variable:

$ DNS_TEST_SUBJECT="hickory https://github.com/hickory-dns/hickory-dns" cargo run --example explore

Environment variables

  • DNS_TEST_SUBJECT. This variable controls what the dns_test::subject function returns. The variable can contain one of these values:

    • unbound
    • hickory $REPOSITORY. where $REPOSITORY is a placeholder for git repository. Examples values for $REPOSITORY: https://github.com/hickory-dns/hickory-dns; /home/user/git-repos/hickory-dns. NOTE: when using a local repository, changes that have not been committed, regardless of whether they are staged or not, will not be included in the hickory-dns build.
  • DNS_TEST_VERBOSE_DOCKER_BUILD. Setting this variable prints the output of the docker build invocations that the framework does to the console. This is useful to verify that image caching is working; for example if you set DNS_TEST_SUBJECT to a local hickory-dns repository then consecutively running the explore example and/or conformance-tests test suite must not rebuild hickory-dns provided that you have not committed any new change to the local repository.

Automatic clean-up

dns-test has been designed to clean up, that is remove, the Docker containers and Docker networks that it creates. If you use dns-test and it does not clean up Docker resources, that's a bug that should be reported.

dns-test uses destructors (the Drop trait) to clean up resources. If you forcefully terminate a process, e.g. using Ctrl+C or a signal like SIGINT, that uses dns-test then the destructors won't run and Docker resources won't be cleaned up.

Note that cargo watch terminates the last process using signals before starting a new instance of it. Therefore we advise against using cargo watch to run tests that use the dns-test framework; using cargo-watch to check such tests is perfectly fine, however.

Writing tests

Here are some considerations when writing tests.

  • Both unbound and BIND, in the resolver role, will initially query for the A record of their configured root server's FQDN as well as the A records of all the name servers covering the zones required to resolve the root server's FQDN. As of 49c89f7, All the name servers have a FQDN of the form primaryNNN.nameservers.com., where NNN is a non-negative integer. These initial A primaryNNN.nameservers.com. queries will be sent to the name server that covers the nameservers.com. zone. What all this means in practice, is that you'll need to add these A records -- the root server's, com.'s name server and nameservers.com.'s name server -- to the nameservers.com. zone file; if you don't, most queries (expect perhaps for SOA .) will fail to resolve with return code SERVFAIL.
let root_ns: NameServer;        // for `.` zone
let com_ns: NameServer;         // for `com.` zone
let nameservers_ns: NameServer; // for `nameservers.com.` zone


// each `NameServer` will start out with an A record of its FQDN to its own IPv4 address in its
// zone file so NO need to add that one in the preceding statement
  • To get resolution to work, you need referrals -- in the form of NS and A record pairs -- from parent zones to child zones. Check the dns::scenarios::can_resolve for an example of how to set up referrals.
  • To get DNSSEC validation to work, you need the DS record of the child zone in the parent zone. Furthermore, the DS record needs to be signed using parent zone's key. Check the dnssec::scenarios::secure::can_validate_with_delegation for an example of how to set up the DS records.
  • You can get the logs of both a Resolver and NameServer using the terminate method. This method terminates the server and returns all the logs. This can be useful when trying to figure out why a query is not producing the expected results.
let resolver: Resolver;

let ans = client.dig(/* .. */);

let logs = resolver.terminate()?;

// print the logs to figure out ...

// ... why this assertion is not working


This is a collection of tests that check the conformance of a DNS implementation to the different RFCs around DNS and DNSSEC.

Running the test suite

To run the conformance tests against unbound run:

$ cargo test -p conformance-tests -- --include-ignored

To run the conformance tests against hickory-dns run:

$ DNS_TEST_SUBJECT="hickory /path/to/repository" cargo test -p conformance-tests

Test organization

The module organization is not yet set in stone but currently uses the following structure:

├── lib.rs
├── resolver
│  ├── dns
│  │  └── scenarios.rs
│  ├── dns.rs
│  ├── dnssec
│  │  ├── rfc4035
│  │  │  ├── section_4
│  │  │  │  └── section_4_1.rs
│  │  │  └── section_4.rs
│  │  ├── rfc4035.rs
│  │  └── scenarios.rs
│  └── dnssec.rs
└── resolver.rs

The modules in the root correspond to the role being tested: resolver (recursive resolver), name-server (authoritative-only name server), etc.

The next module level contains the functionality being tested: (plain) DNS, DNSSEC, NSEC3, etc.

The next module level contains the RFC documents, whose requirements are being tested: RFC4035, etc.

The next module levels contain sections, subsections and any other subdivision that may be relevant.

At the RFC module level there's a special module called scenarios. This module contains tests that map to representative use cases of the parent functionality. Each use case can be tested in successful and failure scenarios, hence the name. The organization within this module will be ad hoc.

Adding tests and the use of #[ignore]

When adding a new test to the test suite, it must pass with the unbound implementation, which is treated as the reference implementation. The CI workflow will check that all tests, including the ones that have the #[ignore] attribute, pass with the unbound implementation.

New tests that don't pass with the hickory-dns implementation must be marked as #[ignore]-d. The CI workflow will check that non-#[ignore]-d tests pass with the hickory-dns implementation. Additionally, the CI workflow will check that all #[ignore]-d tests fail with the hickory-dns implementation; this is to ensure that fixed tests get un-#[ignore]-d.


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